Mermista? Merbitcha

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Adora had woken up with a line of drool connecting her mouth to the silky pillow sheet. A loud noise of a bell ringing, echoing around the cabins.

Adora opened her drowsy eyes, trying to focus on the environment around her.

'I guess lunch time is over... Still one more daily activity for the day to end.' Adora looked at the red flannel she was wearing, it smelled like Catra.

Her old friend's smell hadn't changed much during the years, Catra never liked using perfume because of her overly sensitive nose, but it never resulted in her smelling bad.

Adora brought her arms closer together to her face, trying to take in all the smell from the sleeves. Her smell could mostly be described as the summer breeze, when the ocean waves hit the warm beach sand.

Another sound of the bell broke Adora's trance. She couldn't be late, her stomach rumbled but there was no way she could eat now.

Adora quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and got dressed, leaving the cabin in a hurry.

'Shit, I should've changed, I'm still wearing Catra's shirt. Too late now.' Adora mentally insulted herself as she walked into the main cabin where most people were already sitting, including Catra and Mermista who looked at her slightly confused.

"Great! Adora we were waiting just for you, we only have one more activity for this afternoon and then you will be free to get dinner and whatever you want to do. You will take a group of children to hike around the forest. There are many different hiking trails, all of them have red ribbons around the trees" Perfuma explained. "I'll randomly pair you up in duos, I'll try mixing you guys up a bit so everyone can properly get to know each other. So, for starters. Adora, you're paired up with..." Perfuma looked around the room until her face brighten up a bit. "With Mermista!"

"What?!" Mermista protested. "I don't wanna be paired up with her."

"Mermista! You're getting on my last nerve." Perfuma tried doing breathing techniques to calm down, her left eye twitching from stress. "Please, go out, and lead the group of children into the forest with Adora. You have one hour together."

"Ughhh, I can't believe this." Mermista got up, giving Catra an annoyed glance before storming out.

Adora slowly followed, passing by Catra on her way out, both girls didn't make eye contact.

The weather was warm, not boiling hot but fiery. If Adora wasn't wearing that flannel, she would definitely be wearing a tank top. But on the other hand, the smell comforted her. Not becaude it smelled like Catra of course. It just smelled... Exotic. And Adora liked Exotic smells.

Also, the long sleeves kept her from getting sunburnt shrimp shoulders. They would always burn afterwards, it was specially painful to put a sports bra on.

Adora looked around the camp entrance. Mermista wasn't too far away, she had her arms crossed and looked at Adora with an obnoxious facial expression, standing next to a group of five children, thankfully, the little bastard who stole Adora's clothes was nowhere to be seen.

"Follow me losers, the quicker we get it done, the fastest we can come back." Mermista started walking towards the forest, Adora quickened her pace, trying to catch up.

"Why are you wearing my girlfriend's clothes?" Mermista blurted out, turning her attention to Adora. The children followed both girls in an orderly fashion.

"Ehm, as far as I know, she's not your actual girlfriend." Adora didn't think about what she said, it just flowed naturally.

"Yet! But soon will be!" Mermista raised her voice, establishing dominance. "How do you know we aren't together anyway?"

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