Damn, she bussin'

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It was another day at BrightMoon Summercamp. Adora and Catra were sitting next to each other having lunch, they were getting on well since the last incident.

"I don't know Catra, videogames sound like a waste of time to me." Adora confessed as she ate a bowl of olive oil soup.

"What? It's so good for your brain, it makes you think fast and teaches you to be a fast problem solver." Catra got defensive, she hated people having a negative idea of videogames.

"I think it makes you lazy, sitting around all day." Adora rolled her eyes.

"Well, that's because you don't have a VR with treadmill. Those things are awesome, you can play videogames while moving and exercising!" Catra's eyes shone with excitement.

"So it's safe to assume you have one?" Adora grinned.

"N-No, idiot. That's not the point. Videogames are awesome." Catra rolled her eyes and took a bite of her blueberry bread.

"What are your favorite ones?" Although Adora wasn't into gaming much, she loved seeing Catra excited about something.

"Definitely Life is Strange and The Last of Us. Both of them have lesbian characters and they kiss!"

"Oh really? I'm not really into videogames but I appreciate when they have diversity with races and sexuality." Adora cleaned her mouth with a napkin, that soup was disgusting.

"Me too. One of the downsides of it is that there are many female characters who are over-sexualized by having massive watermelon boobs and tiny armor. But those two games aren't like that. In The Last Of Us, the girls even have body hair visible! Which is completely understandable if you're in a zombie apocalypse you won't spend your time shaving your armpits." Catra giggled.

"Yeah, that does make sense. I don't think body hair is disgusting, as long as you shower, you're clean." Adora stole a piece of Catra's garlic bread.

"Same Adora, sometimes I don't even shave my legs because I'm too lazy, but the looks I get when men see them, ugh." Catra shook her head.

"Yeah, but you know Catra, cis men always like to have a say in women's body, even when they're looking like a gorilla themselves." Adora giggled.

"That's true, I wish they could mind their own business." Catra played with the napkins around the table, crumbling them into pieces.

"You know what usually helps me before judging someone?" Adora muttered.

"What?" Catra shifted her attention.

"So it's pretty much normal and natural to judge someone based on your first impression of them... But what helps me when I see someone wearing something ridiculous or doing something dumb, is to ask myself one question." Adora raised her hand as if she was about to tell her secret.

"Which question?"

"Are their actions personally hurting/affecting me or people around me? Because if they're doing something to hurt me then I have the right to judge, but if it's none of my business then I shouldn't tell people what to do." Adora puffed her chest with pride.

"That's smart, Adora. It seems like you do have a brain after-all." Catra flicked her finger on Adora's forehead.

"Stop it." Adora grabbed Catra's hand jokingly for a good five seconds until both girls realized the action and blushed.

"Hello my flower children! How are you doing in this  groovy sunny morning?" Perfuma got everyone's attention. As always, she was wearing a colorful dress that blinded everyone's eyes. She had a strong smell today, stronger than all the others. Her eyes were super red and she tried wearing sunglasses to hide.

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