What is this feeling?

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"Hellooo? Do you need anything?" Mermista's words broke Adora's trance, she had been staring at them from the door for a few minutes.

"Oh, n-no sorry, I was spacing out." Adora felt a wave of anger flow through her body. Why was she feeling that way? They haven't been friends for a long time.

"With that big forehead of yours I'd expect you to have a big brain." Catra smirked, sitting up on the bed. Adora chose to ignore the comment and walk towards her own bed, which was next to them.

"Catra! You're so bad." Mermista giggled. "Come, let's find a quiet spot for us." The blue haired girl stood up from the bed, holding Catra's hand and pulling her.

For a second, Adora met Catra's gaze. She was trying her best not to show the tears that threatened to spill over what she had just seen. But Catra's gaze was provocative, like she had enjoyed being caught by Adora.

After both girls left, Adora's thoughts were restless.

'I didn't know she also liked girls... I guess I should be happy for her that she finally found someone...' Although Adora tried looking at it from it's logical perspective, she couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Adora didn't like Mermista. Not because she was having a thing for Catra, but she just didn't like her... Aura! That's it, Adora didn't like Mermista's aura.

And of course Adora didn't want anything bad to happen to Catra. It wasn't jealousy, right? She was just a protective friend.

Maybe it would be better if Adora kept an eye on her, to make sure Catra wouldn't get hurt. Right?


A few hours had passed and Adora helped Perfuma out with different activities. The children had their own assigned cabins on the other side of the camp.

She didn't see Catra for most of the day, which made her even more worried.

'Are they seriously messing around until now? I don't think it's healthy spending so much time together... Are they not getting any work done?' Adora huffed as she helped Perfuma in the main cabin's kitchen, separating the food trays to feed the starving children.

"Why is the food so tiny?" Adora asked, looking at tiny bread sticks, small cupcakes and even small juice boxes.

"Oh, one of our kitchen staff likes making tiny food, the children seem to like it though." Perfuma explained.


"I sense some different energy around you, Adora. Are you okay? You know you can talk to me, right?" Perfuma asked, scrubbing the table stains with a wet cloth.

"Oh yeah! Everything is fine, it's just... I actually know Catra. We used to be friends, not anymore though." Adora confessed, as she grabbed the food trays and set them on the wooden tables near the kitchen.

"I knew it! I could totally sense it. The plants told me." Perfuma was delusional.

"Uh- The plants?" Adora sounded weirded out.

"Yeah, they talk to me sometimes, tell me secrets." Perfume spoke in a soft voice.

'I think she smoked crack.' Adora thought.

"So what else did the plants tell you?" Adora added.

"I can't tell you, they told me not to tell anyone." Perfuma ran away from the subject and walked towards a bell that was hanging in front of the cabin.

"IT'S DINNER TIME!!!!" Perfuma shouted while she grabbed the handbell handle and shook it.

In a matter of seconds, the floor started trembling, more than a hundred children came running, pushing and elbowing each other, attacking the food trays that innocently waited on the table.

Catradora Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now