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Birds made chipping noises over the tents in the next morning. Nearby, a woodpecker hit their beak over and over on the old pine trees. Those were the first sounds Adora heard as she opened her eyes sleepily.

For a moment, the blondie felt disoriented, forgetting the events that occurred the previous night. Until she turned her head around and her breath hitched in realization that Catra was still sleeping next to her.

Adora quietly turned to her side, facing the sleeping brunette.

'She looks so beautiful.'  Adora grinned, but fear still ran through her body. Fear of losing Catra again, of having yet another petty fight.

She wouldn't be able to go through it again, it ached her fragile heart too much, it affected her productivity at work and affected her sleeping schedule. Adora frowned, fearing for what's yet to come.

As Adora watched over the sleeping brunette, her mind wandered through her thoughts, spacing out and not noticing when Catra finally yawned and opened her eyes.

For a second, Catra felt frightened since Adora's face was so close to her, the blond looking deep into Catra's eyes with a stupid grin.

"Ah... A-Adora?" Catra stuttered, scared of Adora's undecipherable facial expression.

Until that shook Adora out of her thoughts, resulting in her leaning back, creating some distance between both of them.

"Oh, C-Catra... Sorry, I was spacing out." Adora shook her head.

"I could see that. How long were you watching me for?" Catra asked a tad weirded out.

"Hm... Not long, I just woke up. Did you sleep well?" Adora tried escaping the subject.

"Yeah, I did. I'm glad Gargaland didn't kill us in our sleep." Catra sat up, stretching her slim body.

"I'm grateful for that too." Adora giggled, also sitting up.

The polyester tent smelled familiar, probably because of the mixture of Adora's and Catra's smells. Their scent was naturally different, but when they were together, their smells would often mix into an interesting fragrance.

It felt nostalgic, it kind of reminded Adora of their childhood together.

"Adora? Are you sure you are okay? You're spacing out too often." Catra waved her hand at Adora's face. "Look, I know I'm a sight for sore eyes, but you have to control yourself." Catra grinned, resulting Adora's cheeks to redden up. She had almost forgotten how Catra had a flirty personality.

"That is low, even for you." Adora threw one of the inflatable pillows onto Catra's face, but the brunette quickly dodged it.

Both girls giggled for a few long seconds before staring deep into each other's eyes. It was shocking how easy it was for them to communicate, even after all the drama, all these years.

But even with all the familiarity, a few things were still different.

Adora's feelings had drastically changed, the longing feeling, the yearning. She wanted a part of Catra she couldn't have. She wouldn't jeopardize her friendship for the sake of a stupid crush.

Little did she know, Catra felt the same, if not, even stronger.

She was so used to hiding how she really felt, that her emotions only bottled up and overwhelmed her. Catra often tried to act heartless and cold, but her feelings would hit the walls of her heart, threatening to burst.

Of course she had her ways of masking it, using anger as a cover or her flirty personality to hide how insecure she really was.

"We should leave the tent." Catra frowned for a second, her fears slowly clouding her judgement.

Catradora Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now