I tried to scream

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"Catra?" A familiar voice echoed through her mind. "Catra wake up!"

Finally, after fifteen minutes trying to wake the dead sack of potatoes, Adora managed to bring Catra back to this dimension.

"Why are you waking me up, Adora?" Catra said in a sleepy annoyed tone, rolling around the covers.

"Everyone is ready, you overslept." Adora explained, their assignment for the day was to take the children to the nearest beach and teach them how to swim. The instructors were advised to wake up earlier to prepare for it.

"Ugh, alright, I'll get up." Catra scoffed, grinning to herself because she was woken up by a particular dumb blond. "When do we have to be there?"

"Like in 5 minutes." Adora looked at her watch.

"Oh shit, I'll be late." Catra got up quickly, grabbing her backpack and packing what was needed for the day.

"I-I can wait for you if you want." A velvet red shade appeared on Adora's cheeks.

"Nah blondie, you can go. Can't get enough of me, huh? " Catra gave a cocky smirk, sending her away.

"Stop it, see you there then." Adora waved and walked towards the door.

Catra felt as if the heavy weight on her shoulders had disappeared. After the smoke session with Adora, she felt comfortable, less stuck-up. But also confused.

Catra felt confused by the lustful feelings she felt towards her childhood friend. That wasn't okay, she shouldn't be creeping on Adora this way.

But maybe Adora felt the same way... No, that was highly unlikely.

Catra had Mermista, that was enough, wasn't it?

Catra shook those inappropriate thoughts out of her mind, she decided to give Adora a chance to be her friend again.

A few minutes later, she had a variety of things packed, such as: sunscreen, towels, food, water etc.

As she walked out of her cabin, she was surprised to see Mermista waiting nearby.

"Hey babe." Mermista walked towards Catra and pulled her in for a kiss. Catra wrapped her arms around her and reciprocated it. "Are you ready for the beach day?"

"Did you forget we are going to be working?" Catra grinned and started walking towards the beach.

"Ugh, the little fuckers will learn how to swim either way, let's think about the day as a date."  Mermista intertwined fingers with Catra.

"Well, I don't plan on swimming actually." Catra confessed.

"What? Why?" Mermista turned around in surprise.

"I don't like swimming." That was a lie, the real reason why Catra wouldn't swim was because she didn't know how to, she never liked spending long periods of time in the water.

"That's weird, but whatever, as long as I get to see you in a bikini I'm happy." Mermista spoke with a sexual tone.

"You're such a flirt." Catra gliggled, happy that someone was attracted to her as much as Mermista. Eventually, they arrived at the pebble beach, Adora stood not so far, looking at them from the dock. She already had her bikini on, Catra had to look away to avoid drooling.

"You like it." Mermista grabbed Catra's butt cheek and gave it a tight squeeze. Adora rolled her eyes at such scene.

'It's funny to see her bothered by these things. She always followed the rules anyway.' Catra smiled to herself, maybe she would try to be more professional. Just for Adora's sake.

Catradora Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now