What do you want?

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Catra woke up almost at lunchtime the next day, with her right side asleep, getting pins and needles from being in the same position the entire night. She slowly raised her head, just to see that Adora in fact didn't leave, she stayed in the same position holding Catra the entire time.

Catra remembered that today was saturday, they had the weekends off work, one of the reasons the bell didn't ring. Even though she didn't plan to go back to the city, not having to deal with children for the weekend was a blessing.

Even more after what Gargaland Earl did to her. That little bastard almost traumatized her.

Catra tried moving positions, her body felt stiff so she decided to sit up.

"Morning." Adora yawned.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" Catra was mesmerized at how beautiful her friend looked in the morning. They had slept together in bed just like when they were children.

"Yeah but it's okay, we slept too much." Adora felt a bit shy to touch Catra again, so she crossed her arms, flexing them just a bit to show the muscles.

"I'm starving, I'll go ahead and grab lunch. Are you coming?" Catra got up, her stomach rumbled since she didn't eat for almost 24 hours.

"Yeah sure. I'll take a shower then meet you there." Adora smiled softly, glad that Catra wanted to eat lunch with her.

Catra got out of the cabin, stretching her body and looked around. The weather was cloudy, but it didn't seem like it would rain. There were little monkeys swinging from the vines, birds flying without a care in the world and Mermista leaning against a nearby wall. Wait what? Mermista?!

"Catra, can I talk to you?" Mermista noticed Catra left the cabin, she walked towards the brunette with something in her hands.

"What is it?" Catra asked rudely.

"I want to apologize for the way I treated you yesterday." Mermista frowned, genuinely upset for the things she had said.

"You messed up, Mermista." Catra looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze.

"I felt insecure because I was afraid of losing you. I didn't mean what I said, about you dying." Mermista took a step closer.

"Really?" Catra looked at her face, looking for bits of honesty.

"Yes, I was so stupid, I really like you, I'd never wanna leave you. I was afraid you were going to leave me instead. That's why I acted that way." Mermista grabbed Catra's hand and held onto it tightly.

"You're scared of losing me?" Catra's heart felt comfort in those words.

"Of course. You're so important to me. I got this, for you." Mermista raised her hand, showing a dead lobster. "I know it's your favorite seafood so I got it for you. Even though you know I'm vegetarian and allergic to it."

"Thanks I guess." Catra grabbed the dead crusty lobster with her free hand.

"Could you maybe give me another chance?" Mermista's eyes watered.

"That was awful Mermista, but I guess that's the first time you've done something like that so, I guess I can give you another chance." Catra smiled softly.

"You're the best, I'll make it up for you." Mermista leaned in and kissed Catra's cheek.

"But in one condition, you're not going to say shit about Adora again. I'll continue being friends with her." Catra made it clear about her decision.

"Ugh, fine. But you promise me that there's nothing going on with you two?" Mermista asked. But there was nothing she should worry about, right? Adora and Catra could never be together, it's not like it even crossed her mind anyway.

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