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"CATRA! Where the FUCK are you?!" Mermista's words echoed throughout the forest breaking the girls' trance.


"You can't tell her what happened." Catra took a step back, away from Adora.

"What?!" Adora was perplexed by Catra's words. Isn't it the time for her to dump Merbitcha?

"I mean it, Adora." Catra threatened, raising her hand and pointing a finger at her old friend.

"There you are, what are you doing with this weird breed of albino monkey?" Mermista mocked her, looking down at Adora with her chin up.

"Mermista!" Catra yelled.

"What did you call me?" Adora raised her voice.

"I'm just joking, babe. You know that Adora is my friend. Now come on, let's make out somewhere." Mermista grabbed Catra's wrist and pulled her towards the direction she came from.

"Okay 'Mista'. Just walk ahead I'll come in a min." Catra didn't move.

"Ugh, okay." Mermista walked away annoyed.

"What? Are you seriously going with her?" Adora scoffed.

"Adora... This was a mistake." Catra whispered.

"What..." Adora spoke silently.

" We shouldn't have done that." Catra confessed. She had just gotten her friend again, she wouldn't lose her for some stupid idiotic crush.

"How?!" Adora raised her voice, after that kiss, she was sure the only one she wanted was Catra.

"I have Mermista... I can't do this to her." Catra turned around, hiding her shame. The lies, the witch, the audacity of this bitch.

"You know she will just dump you again." Adora spat the words out.

"Stop it, she won't." Catra took a step closer to the forest, deciding to spend the night with Mermista.

"Yeah she will, you're just too damn stubborn to see it, then you will probably have another panic attack." Adora spoke without realizing how hurtful those words were.

"Fuck you, Adora." Catra stopped in her tracks, looking back at the blondie, giving her one last glance. "This was a mistake, don't you dare say a word." Catra walked away.

"Catra, wait." Adora tried calling out for her, but she wouldn't stop.

"Bye, Adora." Catra's voice floated through the wind.

What the hell just happened? After that coo coo crazy day, the love birds had finally kissed. Which meant something right? But then why did Catra say it was a mistake?!

Adora started overthinking nonstop. She could still feel the brunette's soft lips against hers, but at the same time she could still hear her last words.

Adora decided not to go to that bar, she walked towards her cabin, hoping that Catra would soon follow.

She would take the opportunity to talk to Catra before bed, to apologize for what she had said.

Bur Catra never came back that night.

Adora didn't sleep until 3 AM.

Her body was tired, but she couldn't forget the memories from earlier. They slept in the same bad cuddling, then later on they kissed.

But it was all a mistake. Catra said so. Maybe Adora should just give up and quit this summer camp. Leave Catra with Mermista so they can be happy together.

Catradora Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now