How are babies made?

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All the workers sat around a circular table while they waited for Perfuma to give a new announcement.

Last night was awful. Adora could barely sleep after having another argument with Catra. Adora massaged her temple as she recalled the events.

"She left, Adora. Because of you. I'm moving cabins, to be as far as I can from you." Catra walked towards her nightstand, opening the drawers and grabbing her stuff.

"Me? You wanted to kiss me!" Adora walked towards Catra.

"You made me confused, in the pantry. I-It didn't mean anything!" Catra scoffed looking for her bag.

"You wouldn't have followed me if you didn't want it. And it wasn't my idea to send that photo." Adora crossed her arms stubbornly.

"Then whose idea was it?" Catra turned around and looked at the blondie.

"Gargaland Earl." Adora confessed.

"No way, that kid is long gone." Catra turned around and returned to her packing.

"You seriously think I'd do such a thing?" Adora raised her voice.

"You wanted me to be done with her! Why? Why Adora? It was never your business." Catra looked at Adora and shouted.

"You're my friend, I wasn't gonna let you stay with someome toxic." Adora's eyes watered.

"So you admit to sending the message." Catra crossed her arms.

"No, Catra. Look me in the eye, it wasn't me." Adora walked towards Catra and cupped her cheeks, forcing the brunette to meet her gaze. Catra shivered with the contact before slapping Adora's hands away.

"Whatever, I'll be submitting a cabin change request tomorrow with Perfuma." Catra finished packing the bag and dropped it next to her bed.

"Catra, no. Please. She didn't deserve you." Adora begged not wanting to be further away from her long lost friend.

"Don't you realize how hard it is for someone to stay by my side? Literally everyone left me or used me for sex. Mermista stayed with me."  Catra raised her voice almost yelling.

"But she didn't really love you." Adora whispered.

"How would you know, Adora?" Catra asked flatly.

"I-I" Adora stuttered not being able to meet Catra's gaze.

"Leave me the fuck alone." Catra put on her headphones on and laid down on her bed, wrapping herself with the covers.

Adora frowned as she recalled last night's events. Catra sat as far away as she could from Adora, scrolling through phone, looking at cat memes.

Even when Catra was mad, with her tight clothes accentuating her curves, she looked just... Delicious.

Adora's stomach rumbled, it's only hunger, making her think like that. Either way, everything she has done only made things worse. At least Mermista ended things with Catra.

'Ugh, I never thought I'd see Catra again and stay this way.' Adora glanced at the brunette, hoping she could at least talk to her.

"I need everyone's attention. Because of unfortunate events, your coworker Mermista had to leave the summer camp." The workers looked at each other around the table, grieving for such a devastating horrible loss, since everyone loved Mermista so painfully much.

"But today, we have someone new joining us!" The hippie added and a shorter caramel-skinned girl walked in, sidecuts and dreadlocks. "Please make Lonnie feel at home."

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