I Just Love My Sister :)

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Elmo was on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. So many things were running through his mind. One, Julie, the girl he loved the most, broke up with him. Two, his family thinks he’s dragged Julie down with his so-called schemes. Three, they’re all over the news. And four, he doesn’t even have Julie to talk to about everything. He didn’t know how to fix any of it. Julie was going to suffer because if him. What was he supposed to do?

“Moe?” Maxene peeked through the small crack of his doorway.

“Ate Maxx, if you’re going to lecture me about how wrong I was to just runaway, don’t. I already know that what I did was wrong and dragging Julie into it made things worse. I’m trying to find a way to fix it, Ate.”

“I didn’t come here to lecture you. I’m here to be your sister and help you out with whatever is going on in your mind.”

            Elmo locked eyes with Maxene. He saw her sincerity and care. He sat up and Maxene sat beside him. “So tell me… What happened?” She asked him.


“With you and Julie. You kinda admitted that you dated her while you were in the States. Spill.”

“Well, I told her how I felt, it was a bit awkward after that but she warmed up to me. She then admitted that she loved me. It was fine for what seemed like forever, but forever has its end.”

“What happened? Why did it end?”

“I lied to her-“

“Moe, trust is like the foundation of every relationship. You-“

“Ate, I know that.”

“What did you lie about? And please don’t say that you were dating someone else.”

“No! Maxx! I lied about money. Remember how you guys cut me off from my money? I kinda hid that from Julie. She found out that I’ve been supporting us with the money I’ve been getting from work. She didn’t know that I was having a hard time to keep us provided for.”

“Let me guess, she got angry because she didn’t want you to have to do everything alone.”


            Maxene sighed and held Elmo’s hand. “Moe, when you love someone, you never want them to endure the hardships of life alone, especially if you know that you have what it takes to help. If she’s angry because you didn’t tell her about the truth, it’s only because she loves you, Elmo.” Maxene said as she comforted her distraught brother. “Talk to her. Call her up. She loves you. Truthfully Moe, I always knew that you guys would fall in love. You’re perfect for each other.” Maxene continued as she stood up and walked to the door. But before she went out, Elmo had one thing to say.

“Ate… Thank you.”


Almost at the end. Tell me? Should I continue or not?

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