The dream demon

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The first story I want to tell you about is about a monster that tried to kill me in my dream.

In was on the evening of January 5th 2017. I had just completed my math and English homework and I decided to take a short nap before dinner.

I shut the door to my room rather quietly, trying not to cause any disturbance.

I crawled to the bed, my eyelids becoming heavy. I shut my eyes without thinking.


I found myself in my room, however, instead of hearing sounds of my parents talking, I was met with an eerie silence.

I opened the door to my room, had mom; dad; aunt Reggie and Lilith all gone out without me?

However, the most chilling thing to come out of this was when I heard a dark and menacing laugh. I didn't recognize who it was but I was determined to find out who it was.

The hall was flooded with water, up to my ankles. I turned to see the water was rushing to my room and my rug was drenched.

"What the hell?"

I shook my head, not wanting to believe that this was real. It was just a dream, wasn't it? It couldn't be real. It's just as fake as the Boogeyman or Slenderman for that matter.

"How is this for a wet dream?"

A bad pun? Who did this boogeyman think he was, Freddy Krueger?

"No," I told myself even though I noticed my voice trembling. "No way. This can't be real."

"Keep telling yourself that, Billy, but you'll regret ever saying that."

"No!" I shouted, still shaking my head.

"How about you turn around and see for yourself, punk!"

I turned back to see a tall man whose features that left me in utter dread.
His skin was completely black as if he had been burned to a crisp.

However, the most chilling thing about him was his huge bright red eyes with black pupils.

I squinted, just to make sure I was seeing it correctly. And sure enough, I was.

The second most chilling about him was... that smile. It was twisted and sinister in nature. It was like he had this deep interest in me, possibly plotting for something terrible, like to kill me or something.

The fast beating and hard pounding of my heart told me more than enough. This couldn't be real.

"You're not real," I said, "you're just a nightmare."

The monster laughed. "Just keep thinking that Billy boy. Your soul will soon be mine."

I smiled. "Come on, let's rock!"

I jumped high into the air and hit the monster in the face with a jumping side kick. Then as the monster got up, I wave my hand in the air and created a few ninja shurikens in the air. I threw the shurikens at the monster but he dodged them.

As I jumped at the monster intending to do another kick in the air, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The monster had created a long spear-like object out of right hand, stabbing me.


I smiled again. "I'm not dead."

I summoned my strength and lifted the monster's spear up into the air with one hand; lifting the monsters body up right along with it.


"Sayonara this you creep!"

I threw the monster away from me and the spear slid right out of my body and I felt no more pain.

I waved my hand again and yelled "Thunder!" and the monster was covered with a blue flame.

The monster screamed at it was being electrocuted.

"Sorry mister," I said, "but I stopped believing in the boogey man A LONG TIME AGO! FIST OF THE DEVIL!"

I gave the monster one mighty punch and he went flying back into a darkness corner and disappeared from sight.

I've seen every nightmare on elm street movie and I pretty much knew that this was not over yet.

I walked back into the dark corner after the monster and found myself in another room.

I found myself in a pristine clean Japanese room (A.K.A living quarters in Japanese Ghost Story) - tatami mats, white and colored screens, open, light and airy. I scanned the room suspiciously.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I was hurtled backward as if kicked by an invisible opponent. "WHAT THE..."

The monster's voice was heard. "A true warrior needs no eyes."

"So you are too scared to face me?" I called out, "You have to turn invisible so I can't fight back? Huh?!"

I was kicked again and floored. He stood, now angry. He threw a punch in the air, and then I was knocked down again.

'Of course! I'm going about this all wrong, I have to use the blind fist technique.'

He stood up slowly, with ultimate concentration. I turned quickly as if with radar.

Suddenly I kicked back at the air and connected. A resounding thump was heard. He progressed forward in a series of karate moves all of which connected soundly and quickly with the invisible force.

" A true warrior does not need an unfair advantage to win." I said.

With extra strength, I kicked out in the air. He connects hard and suddenly monster appeared out of thin air and lands on the floor as if kicked off by my power.

"That didn't work for Lilith, why would it work for you? DRAGON'S KICK!"

I kicked the monster back with great force. The monster hit a wall behind him and the wall crashed down on him quickly.

The monster slowly climbed out of the collapsed wall. Now he was mad!

I waved my hands once more and two Uzi's appeared in my hands.

"Eat lead!"

I shot monster as he fell back into the collapsed wall.

The monster just laid there in the remains of the collapsed wall, he did not get up. Was he dead? Of course not, specular always comes back to life for another scare.

Suddenly the monster leapt to his feet! He transformed into a bulked up, rippling muscle of himself. A Superman knockoff?

I fired the uzi's again, the monster laughed as bullets bounce off of him.

"Of course." I said.

I dropped my guns as the monster walked slowly towards me with a grin on his face.

I focused my energy; balled up his fist which was glowing with a green aura.

"KRYPTONITE PUNCH!" and I slammed his fist into the monster's body.

The monster was in pain; covered with an aura made out of kryptonite.

"You think I don't reading comics? Did you really think I didn't know what to do in that situation?"

The monster's muscle bound body disintegrated and changed back to normal.

"NO!" screamed the monster, "THAT'S IMMPOSIBLE! NOOOOO! "

I went into my karate stance.

"You should quit while you still can."

The monster screamed in frustration and then charged at him head on.

"I warned you."

Before the monster got three feet to me, I pointed my finger at him.

A popping noise was heard as I disintegrated the monster and then made him reappear as a comforter chair.

I sighed as I sat down in the comfy chair and relaxed.

After a few minutes, I heard laughing as two tentacles shot up from out the the chair and wrapped around my body.

"I don't think so, Erase!"

The tentacles and the chair disappeared from sight.

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