Jin vs George

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Jin started off strong, attacking with a series of powerful kicks and punches.

George defended himself, and the two fighters clashed, each one looking for an opening.

Jin landed a swift kick, which caught George off guard.

George retaliated with a powerful punch, which caught Jin off guard.
The two fighters engaged in a furious exchange, and it seemed like neither one would give up.
Eventually, George gained the upper hand.

He lashed out with a powerful kick, which caught Jin off guard.
Jin fell back, and George followed up with a swift punch, which connected with Jin's face.

Jin shook his head and charged at George, delivering a flurry of quick punches and kicks.

George was unable to block all of the attacks, and he stumbled back, but he was able to recover.

The two fighters clashed, and the battle was on.

George landed a powerful punch, which connected with Jin's face.
Jin was stunned, but he was able to recover, and the two fighters engaged in a furious clash.

One hard hook and a kick from Jin sent him back.

Jin attacks with a powerful kick, but George was able to block the attack.

George retaliated with a swift punch, which connected with Jin's jaw.

Jin was knocked back, but he was able to recover, and the two fighters clashed, each one looking for an opening.

They exchange more punches and kicks.

Finally, George gained the upper hand.

He landed a powerful blow, which connected with Jin's chin.

Jin stumbled back, and George followed up with a swift kick, which connected with Jin's chest.

Jin was stunned, but he was able to recover, and the two fighters clashed, each one landing several powerful blows.

George was now in control.

He attacked with a series of swift punches and kicks, and Jin was unable to block all of the attacks.
He stumbled back, and George followed up with a swift kick, which connected with Jin's knee.

Jin was knocked down, and he tried to get back up, but George delivered a final kick, which connected with his head.

Jin hopped back up to his feet and yelled "Hyper missiles!"

The energy missiles appeared again and flew at George.

George screamed "Body harden!"

George's entire body glowed red as his muscles grew larger and his pupils disappeared.

The energy missiles exploded against his body, but he was unharmed.

George grinned as his body returned to normal, he ran towards Jin, and the two fighters engaged in a fierce clash.

A quick kick to the head and then a knee on Jin's chest.

Jin was down and didn't get back up.

"The winner is George."

"Good fight," said Jin.

"Yeah, good fight," said George.

"Nice moves," said Jin.

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