Mexico's hero

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In universe 0016, Manny Rodriguez; Lucha Libre wrestler and a bull fighter was doing an interview.

"Senor Rodriguez, what is it like to be a super hero, and what are some of the things you do as a hero? Do you fight monsters and aliens and stuff like that, or is it something more mundane?"

"Well, I don't really have a set routine," said Manny, "but I do have a list of things that I have done in the past. First off, I've been known to use my strength to fight crime. Second, I've helped save a town from a hurricane. And finally, I've also taken part in a tournament against other super heroes from different universes."

"Wow," said the reporter, "that's impressive. How did you get super powers? And what are they exactly?"

"Well, I'm not really sure how it happened," said Manny, "but it did happen, and I was given the power of gods. So I was able to lift boulders and smash through concrete."

"Fascinating," said the reporter, "now tell me about this tournament."

"Well, it was put together as a diversion of an evil war lord, who was trying to take over another universe. The tournament was to draw the attention of the villain, while the other heroes would prepare a trap."

"Did the plan work?"

"Yes," said Manny, "and thanks to everyone who took part, we were able to stop the evil lord and save the multiverse."

"What was the tournament like? Who did you face and how did you do?"

"The tournament was held in the castle of the evil warlord. Each fighter had god power and a different martial art. My opponent was a student of Wushu. He was a great fighter and I was not able to beat him."

"That must have been a disappointment."

"Yeah, but in the end, I was still able to help stop the warlord. That's the most important thing."

"That's true," said the reporter, "now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to the office."

"Thanks for coming by."

"My pleasure."

The reporter left.

"Well," said Manny, "that was fun. But now, I'm going to go out for a run."

Manny changed into his super hero outfit and went out for a jog.

"This feels good," said Manny, "I should do this more often."

A few blocks away, a gang was robbing a jewelry store.

"Ok, everyone," said the leader, "grab all the gold you can carry. Don't forget the diamonds either. And don't get greedy."

"Hey," said another member, "who the hell is that?"

Everyone looked out the window.

Manny was running towards them.

"Oh shit!" Said the leader, "it's the lucha libre guy! Let's get out of here!"

"What about the money?" Asked another member.

"Forget the money," said the leader, "run for it!"

The gang ran out the back door and fled.

"Not so fast," said Manny.

The gang stopped in their tracks.

"Oh no," said the leader, "we're screwed."

"That's right," said Manny, "and now, it's time to teach you a lesson."

"We don't want no trouble," said another member.

"Too bad," said Manny, "you should have thought about that before you decided to rob this store. Now, face my wrath. Dragon python!"

Manny created a dragon from energy and sent it towards the gang.

"Holy crap!" Yelled the gang, "it's a dragon!"

The dragon flew towards the gang and wrapped its body around them.

"Oh no!" Yelled the gang, "we're trapped!"

"That should hold you until the police arrive."

Manny went back to running and left the gang.

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