Mark Gray "mma" Vs Adonis "Pankration"

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The two fighters began to circle each other, sizing each other up.

Mark attacked first, lunging forward and throwing a series of powerful punches and kicks.

Adonis was able to block most of the attacks, but was caught off guard by a quick jab, which connected with his chin.

Adonis stumbled back, but quickly recovered, and the two fighters engaged in a furious clash, trading blows.

The battle was a fierce one, with both fighters showing no mercy.

One kick to Mark's face sent him back a little.

He retaliated with a series of swift punches, connecting with Adonis' face and chest.

"Nice," said Adonis.

"Thanks," said Mark.

"You're a tough opponent."

"As are you," said Mark.

They continued to exchange blows, neither one gaining the upper hand.
They were both starting to get tired, and their attacks were beginning to slow down.

Mark saw an opportunity and tackled Adonis to the ground. He could use a submission here.

He grabbed the wrestler's legs and put him in a figure four leg lock.

"Submit or I will break your legs!"

"I give," said Adonis.

"Good fight," said Mark.

"Yeah, good fight," said Adonis.

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