Tien Shinhan vs Ken

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Tein and Ken began to circle each other after bowing to each other.
Tein was the first to attack, launching a flurry of kicks and punches.

Ken blocked the attacks, and the two fighters engaged in a fierce exchange, each one looking for an opening.

One leg sweep causes Tein to stumble.

Tein attacks with a swift punch, which Ken was barely able to dodge.

Ken retaliated with a swift punch, which caught Tein off guard.
Tein was knocked back, but he was able to recover, and the two fighters engaged in a furious clash, each one trying to gain the upper hand.
It was an evenly matched battle, and it seemed like neither one would give up.

"Time for some pain," said Tein.
"Let's go!" said Ken.

They attack each other, exchanging powerful blows.

They both land some good hits.
Tein launches a powerful kick, which connects with Ken's side.

He is knocked back, and Tein follows up with a swift punch, which connects with Ken's face.
Ken stumbles back, and Tein follows up with a powerful kick, which sends Ken flying into the wall.

Ken shook his head and stood up.

"Is that the best you can do?"

"I'm just getting started."

Tein launches a flurry of powerful kicks and punches, and Ken was barely able to block the attacks.
He was able to retaliate, though, and the two fighters clashed, each one trying to gain the upper hand.
It was a fierce battle, and it seemed like neither one would give up.

"I'm not going to lose," said Tein.

"Me neither," said Ken.

They attack each other, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

Eventually, Ken gained the upper hand.

He lashed out with a swift punch, which knocked Tein back.

Tein retaliated with a swift punch, but Ken was able to dodge the attack.

Ken followed up with a swift kick, which connected with Tein's side.

Tein grunted in pain, but he was able to recover, and the two fighters clashed, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

Eventually, the battle came down to a test of strength.

Tein was stronger, and he was able to push Ken back.

"This is it!"

Tein lashes out with a powerful punch, which knocks Ken back.

Ken is stunned, and Tein follows up with a powerful kick, which connects with his head.

Ken stumbles back, and Tein follows up with another swift kick, which connects with his ribs.
Ken grunts in pain, and Tein follows up with a series of powerful punches, which connect with his face.

Ken is knocked back, and Tein finishes him off with a swift kick to the head, knocking him out.

"The winner is Tein."

"Good fight," said Ken.

"Yeah, you're tough," said Tein.

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