Chapter 2

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I woke up still can't believe what happened yesterday.

So, Draco? He's cute right.

Yeah, he is. But he's a prince, I can never date him.

Why not? I mean it's worth giving it a shot.

I really don't argue with you so just leave me alone.


I remembered I have to meet with Draco. I began to get dressed and walked to the forest, seeing that Draco isn't there. I looked around as a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Hey, darling," Draco whispered into my ear. I shivered. He uncovered his hands from my eyes I turned around to face him.

"Hi Draco," I replied with a smile. He smiled back.

"What are we gonna do today?"I asked

"I want you to show me around." He said. Did I hear that right? The son of Lucius wants me to show him the poorest neighborhood, and the prince wants ME to show HIM around.

"Sure. Let's go." I said. Draco bowed in front of me.

"Lead the way, my highness." He said elegantly. I blushed. I lead the way to the neighborhood I grew up. I explained to Draco why no people were walking the streets. He looked very interested in the information I gave him. We sat down on a bench as we stared at the empty playground.

"How come there aren't any children?" Draco asked me.

"Parents don't let their children go outside, it's too dangerous," I said as I looked at him.

"Why would it be too dangerous for children? It's a park." He asked. He doesn't know. I sighed and got up.

"I'll show you." I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the end of the park, which was covered by a row of massive trees. I moved the branches out of the way, creating a path for us to get to the other part of the park.

"Where are we going?" He asked, he looked scared.

"You'll see," I replied. He just nodded as he gripped my hand a bit tighter.

As we walked through the path, the area became darker, gloomy, and cloudier. At the end of the path, Draco saw for the first time. He stared in disbelief at what he saw.

"My father told me he was gone, no longer a threat to the public but I never would have imagined for him to end up here!" He exclaimed. I looked at him.

"I didn't believe it at first but then rumors began speculating that your father left the dragon here," I said as I looked a few miles away from us to see red eyes glowing, terrifying sounds coming out. "A child went missing after he tried to explore the cave. He is the reason why parents no longer let children go play at the park."

Draco POV

I was in utter shock after Y/N told me this information. My father always said to me that he killed the dragon and that he was gone. I looked at Y/N who started crying. I put an arm over her and comforted her.

"Are you ok?" I asked her. I felt her nod in my chest, she sat up and looked at me.

"This is the reason why no one goes out. Falkor has been a terror to us for years now, he has burned down houses and trees. He ruins our food stocks, he takes everything from us." She said. She looked at me, and I think she notice my confusion. "You never knew, about anything?"

No, I don't know anything.

"You're right. I don't have a clue about what's going on in this world. My father has kept me in the manor for years now, never allowing me to go out. Parties and dinners were always at the manor. I'm only allowed to go to our garden or the forest, which I met you." I said. "You showed me how your neighborhood is living. My father always told me that our kingdom was a great kingdom and nothing was wrong, that he killed Falkor and there was nothing to worry about, but now I know he has been lying to me, and I want to help. In any way possible."

I looked into Y/N's beautiful E/C eyes and hugged her. She hugs me back. Yes! She hugged me back! Calm down Draco.

"I haven't told you everything yet." She sighs. I looked at her, what is more, to tell. "There is another royal family that has been terrorizing our village for a few weeks now. Every week they come along and steal everything we have. The Greengrass. I overheard one of them say that they are doing this about payback."

"The Greengrass. I'm meeting their daughter in a few days. You think it's because..."I didn't even want to finish my sentence. "You want me to..."

"I don't want you to, but everyone else does. It's up to you to decide...You are the one to save everyone." She said. That's when it struck me. In order to save Y/N and the kingdom, I must marry Astoria Greengrass.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll update a new chapter in a few days.

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