Chapter 10

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"Quick, hide." She told Mattheo as the two of them hid under the desk as the door opened.

"I swear I heard something." One of the guards said as they walked in. Pansy shut her eyes and hoped they didn't find the both of them under the desk. The other man groaned.

"I heard nothing. Now I'm starting to wonder if you're going insane." The second man complained as the two of them looked around. Mattheo began praying, Pansy looked at him as if he was crazy. "Let's go. King Lucius would be furious with us if he sees us in his—"

"What are you two doing in my office?" Lucius growled at the two men as they turned around. The two men began to shake fearfully.

"He said he heard noises in your office and we wanted to check it out." The second guy answered as Lucius shooked his head.

"How dare you two go into my office without my permission? Get out of here! If I see you two in my office again I'll have you two beheaded!" Lucius threatened as the two men fled quickly. Pansy and Mattheo heard the door shut as they didn't know if Lucius left as well. Mattheo carefully crawled out under the desk as he peeked over to see that the room was empty. He turned back to Pansy and nodded, the both of them got out under the desk as they were breathing heavily. That was close.

"Now what?" Mattheo asked as Pansy made sure everything looked as it was before. Pansy grabbed the photograph as she pulled Mattheo out of the office.

"We need to tell Y/N what we found." She said. Mattheo nodded as they ran down the halls and ran down the cellar, finding Y/N staring at the ceiling. "Y/N! Y/N!" Pansy shouted as Y/N sat up and looked at her friend.

"What?" She asked as Pansy handed her the photograph. Y/N stared at the photograph and looked at the back to read the information about her face. She was confused why Lucius had a photo of her. "Why does the king have a photo of me?" Pansy and Mattheo shrugged.

"We don't know. I don't why the king has a photo of you but we will find more information." Pansy assured. Y/N nodded. Pansy and Mattheo left her, just when a young boy walked up to Pansy with an envelope.

"Are you Pansy Parkinson?" The young boy asked. Pansy nodded, the boy handed her the envelope. "This is from Prince Draco, he told me to give it to you directly."

Pansy nodded and waved the boy off. Mattheo walked behind her as she opened the envelope. She read the letter and then closed the letter, she looked at Mattheo.

"I'm gonna write to Draco." She said. She left the room and went to her bedroom she took out a piece of parchment and began writing.

Dear Draco,

How is it at the Greengrass? I bet it's awful. I received your letter and wanted to write to you because Mattheo and I found information in your father's office. We found a photograph of Y/N when she was little. It had information about her and your father wrote that she had the same personality as you, I'm not sure what that means but Blaise, Mattheo and I will find out. I thought you wanted to know, this is getting a bit risky so from now on I will address you as Dragon and you address me like the baddest bitch. I hope you found something about the dragon or the missing children.

Baddest bitch. 

She placed the letter in the envelope and gave it to one of the servants.

Draco searched everywhere the house, trying to find any clues.

"Prince Draco, you have mail." Draco walked up to the person and handed Draco the envelope. Draco nodded and the person left. Draco read the letter and chuckled when he read that sentence of their new nicknames. He heard the door opening he shoved the letter in his pocket as Astoria and her parents walked in.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now