Chapter 17

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Draco woke up not feeling Y/N by his side. He sat up but groaned when he felt the pain shot up into his shoulder.

"Take it easy." Draco looked up to see Y/N standing near the doorway with a small smile on her face. "They are looking for you."

"Who?" Draco got out of bed and put on a shirt. Y/N shrugged.

"Didn't say. They just send a note saying that they are waiting for you in the throne room." Y/N said walking towards him.

"I don't want to go. I want to stay with you all day." Draco wrapped his arms around her. Y/N laughed and shooked her head.

"As much I want to be with you too. Pansy is waiting for me so I'll see you later." She pecked his lips and left. Draco walked behind her and headed to the throne room.

"Hello?" Draco called out, seeing the room empty. He was about to leave.

"Surprise!" Blaise, Mattheo, and Theo shouted causing Draco to jump.

"What's all of this?" Draco asked, seeing them with food.

"It's your bachelor party, duh!" Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Food?" Theo asked as he shoved a piece of pizza. Draco rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Sit." Mattheo pushed Draco to a chair and all three of them hovered over him.

"Why?" Draco complained looking at Blaise.

"Three reasons. One, because I want to. Two, because I have nothing better to do. Three, because of food." Blaise responded. Draco rolled his eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" Draco asked. Blaise smiled.

"Well, tell us about the bride," Blaise said. Draco groaned.

"Seriously, I have to talk about Astoria?" Draco whined

"Who said anything about Astoria?" Blaise smirked. Draco blushed.


Y/N walked to the room, a bit confused about not seeing Pansy.

"Surprise!" Pansy and two other girls shouted.

"What's all this?" Y/N asked, seeing food on the table and decorations.

"It's a party since you rescued all the children from the Greengrass," Pansy said. "This is Millicent."

"Hello." Millicent waved. Y/N smiled.

"Hi." She replied. Pansy then pointed at the other girl.

"That's Tracey." Pansy introduced. Tracey smiled at Y/N.

"Hi Y/N, it's nice to meet you," Tracey said.

"Nice to meet you too," Y/N replied with a smile. Pansy grabbed her hand and dragged her to the couch and pushed Y/N and the girls surrounded her. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"How far have you and Draco gotten, if you know what I mean?" Pansy smirked. Y/N blushed and looked down.

"Um—about—kind of..."

"Just tell us already!" Pansy crossed her arms.

"Shirts off." Y/N blushed. Everyone 'oohed' while Y/N covered her face between her hands.

"What stopped you two?" Pansy smirked. Y/N's face turned red.

"Theo," Y/N replied. The girls burst out laughing.

"No wonder I heard screaming." Pansy laughed while Y/N shooked her head. "Theo busted you two!"

"Guys! Tomorrow is Draco's birthday." Millicent exclaimed.

"And tomorrow he's getting married." Y/N groaned, dreading for tomorrow.

"But we will expose the Greengrass tomorrow. Blaise will take pictures of their expressions and will blast them on the newspaper!" Pansy smiled. "I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Let's eat!" Tracey shouted. All of them began to eat then they began to do Y/N's hair.

"What are you doing to me?" Y/N asked as Pansy curled her hair.

"For the surprise," Pansy replied then looked at her phone. "Alright, the surprise is ready."

Pansy grabbed Y/N's arm and led her to a special spot in the castle. She opened the door and shoved Y/N in there and closed the door. The room was dark.

"Hello?" Y/N called out trying to find the light switch.

"Y/N?" Draco's voice called out.

"Draco? Where are you?" Y/N asked, looking for the blond.

"Just follow my voice," Draco said calmly.

Y/N nodded and listened to his voice.




Y/N smiled at each word that escaped his mouth. She felt butterflies in her stomach with each word.



Her body collided with his. Y/N smiled at him.

"Mine." Draco wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hey."

"Hey," Y/N replied. "Did you really mean what you said?"

"Of course. You are perfect." Draco replied. He removed his arms and took out a box of matches and lit it up on the candles. Y/N stared into his eyes.

"Stop it." Y/N blushed. Draco smirked. "Stop smirking!"

"Can't help it." Draco chuckled. He picked her up bridal style making Y/N gasp in surprise.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to the bed.

"Practicing." He smirked as he placed her on the bed. He climbed on top of her and attached his lips onto hers and the two of them shared a heated kiss. Y/N ran her hands under his shirt, Draco pulled away and looked into her eyes. "You're sure about this?"


With that, he recaptured their lips once again. 

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be the wedding so stay tuned!

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