Chapter 13

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Draco's wedding is in five days and they were finding a bit more information. Draco has been searching around his house, for any clues but nothing. Blaise and Pansy have been escaping children from the Greengrass and they managed to rescue some of the children.

"Blaise, look at this!" Pansy exclaimed, Blaise, walked towards Pansy to see her holding up a folder in her hands.

"What is it Pans?" He questioned, looking at the folder.

"It has information of fraud that the Greengrass are involved with and you won't believe what they are doing," Pansy said, handing the papers to Blaise. He scanned the papers from debt to stealing money from the poor. Blaise walked towards the copy machine and copied multiple papers.

"This is great, we are getting more information. Let's find Bryan and see if he found any more information." Blaise placed the original papers back in the folder. The two of them left to find Bryan. 

"Blaise, Pansy." Bryan's voice called out. They turned their attention to the small child. Bryan ran up to them.

"Bryan, what's up?" Blaise asked. "Any news?" The small boy nodded frantically pulled out another piece of paper. He handed it over to Blaise.

"King Mark doesn't just kill the children, he also sells them to other royals so they are their servants," Bryan explained. Blaise looked at the papers and put them in his bag. "I also overheard Astoria's father talking about after Astoria marries Draco the Greengrass are planning on framing King Lucius of fraud and ruin their image."

"We gotta tell Draco," Pansy replied. "We need to warn the Malfoys." Blaise looked at her skeptically.

"Do you think they will believe us?" Blaise questioned. Pansy nodded.

"We have some of the evidence, we can talk with Draco when we reach Y/N's home." Pansy grabbed Blaise and Bryan's hands and dragged them to Y/N's home. Pansy knocked on the door, Y/N opened the door.

"Hey guys, any news?" Y/N questioned. Pansy nodded and entered the home with Blaise and Bryan behind her.

"Bryan found documents of records of Astoria's father selling the children to other corrupt royal families to be as their servants. Is Draco here?" Pansy looked for Draco. They heard someone coughing. 

"He is...He is with the doctor, one of the children is ill." Y/N explained, Pansy nodded Draco walked out of the room with a sigh. "What's wrong?" Y/N saw the fear in Draco's eyes. She walked closer to him and held his hand.

"The doctor says she is not improving, she is really weak and there is an 80% of her not making it," Draco explained, he swallowed a gulp. Tears formed in his eyes and looked down he hated seeing one of the children being ill. He felt he couldn't save her and now there is 80% of her dying. Y/N gasped and pulled Draco into a hug. Draco got close to the small girl and treated her as the sister he never had.

"Everything will be fine, she will get better." Y/N hoped, Draco nodded and wiped away his tears. He looked at Blaise, Pansy, and Bryan standing there.

"Any information?" Draco asked. Blaise nodded and took out the two folders from his bag and handed it to Draco. He opened it and looked at Blaise confusedly. "What's this?" Draco questioned.

"These papers have information of the Greengrass frauds, Astoria's father sells children to other corrupt royal families to work as their slaves and once Astoria marries you they will come up a way to make a scandal of your family," Blaise explained Draco's eyes widen as he took in the news. He had to warn his parents, he looked at Bryan and thought of something.

"Bryan are you always with Astoria's father?" Draco asked. The small boy nodded and cocked his head to the side a bit confused on why Draco is asking him this.

"Yes, why?" Bryan asked. Draco rubbed his chin and nodded.

"I have a task for you," Draco said. "We need Theo."

"I'll go find him." Blaise was already out the door.


Blaise had returned with Theo right behind him, Theo had been complaining the whole trip about not letting Blaise finish his food which Blaise chose to ignore his complaints.

"Finally, it took you two long enough," Draco announced. The two boys muttered a sorry. "Anyways, I wanted Theo here well we all know he knows a lot of technology and since Bryan is always around with Astoria's father, we should put a listening device under his shirt and we can pick up any information Mark doesn't want us to know," Draco explained. 

"I can do that, are you ok with that Bryan?" Theo asked, Bryan, looked at them skeptically. Unsure if this was a good idea.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bryan asked. "I don't want to get caught."

"You won't get caught," Theo reassured. Bryan nodded.

"Alright, I'll do it." He responded with a small smile on his face. The rest of them smiled, their plan was going somewhere but the question was could they be able to succeed enough evidence against the Greengrass in less than 5 days?


Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Bryan left Y/N's home so they could hook up the listening device under his shirt. Draco and Y/N were alone with the small ill girl. The two of them took turns to check on the girl but she wasn't getting any better, which worried Draco.

Draco was with her right now while Y/N made some food. The girl coughed violently, he winced when he saw blood coming out of her mouth. He quickly went to get some paper towels and handed them to her. She smiled weakly and wiped her mouth.

"Draco?" The small girl whispered, which caught Draco's attention.

"What is it, Emily?" Draco asked Emily, looking at him with tears forming in her eyes.

"Am I going to die?" She asked. That question broke Draco's heart. "The doctor said I have an 80% of dying."

"You are gonna get through this, you are a are not gonna die." Draco tried to be hopeful but he knew her fate.

"You know when I was little I would light up a candle and always believe that the smoke will go to heaven," Emily replied. "Can you read me a story?"

Draco nodded and picked up a book and sat next to Emily. The young girl cuddled in Draco's embrace and waited for him to begin the story. "Once upon a time—" Draco was cut off by Emily.

"Why is it always once upon a time? It should be there was a guy and girl and this is what happened to them. Then we have the whole happily ever after ending instead of they get married and whatever happens after the wedding." Emily nodded as she agreed with her statement. Draco chuckled and shooked his head.

"Emily that's how stories go." Draco laughed, he opened the book and began reading to her. She kept pointing out why in every book there is always a bad guy which Draco replied with the world is not always perfect. Halfway through the reading, Draco felt Emily's head slumped against his chest and her hand that was on the book, slid down. Draco closed the book and checked on her to make sure she was still breathing. He checked for a pulse but there was none, he swallowed in a gulp as he just knew. Draco pulled Emily to his chest and let out a heart—wrenching cry which alerted Y/N.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Y/N rushed towards him once she saw what was happening she put her hand over her mouth and choked back a sob. "No." She went to Draco's side and held him as he broke down into tears. He felt he had failed to save the children.

"She's gone, Y/N. Emily is gone." Draco sobbed and held onto the small girl's body close to him. The two of them grieved the loss of one of the children they tried to save from the Greengrass.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know the ending is a bit sad but I wanted to add a sad scene.

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