Chapter 14

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The next day Draco held a small funeral for Emily, he had found the girl's parents but they died when Emily was 2-years-old. Emily was buried beside her parents and everyone prayed for the young girl and hoped she had found peace.

Draco and the others continued on the plan. Theo placed a listening device under Bryan's shirt and told him what he had to do. Bryan was back at the Greengrass residence while Draco, Theo, and Blaise were listening to the conversation.

"Theo are you sure this is gonna work?" Blaise asked, looking skeptically at them. Theo nodded and turned his attention to Blaise.

"Of course, this will work, I have done these years and I will always get information on the person. You see, Bryan's listening device is hooked up with my laptop and I already hooked up my USB so we won't lose this evidence." Theo explained. Blaise nodded as he understood what he said.

"Draco have you found a way to kill the dragon?" Blaise asked. Draco nodded.

"I'm planning to kill that bloody dragon tonight," Draco replied. Blaise nodded they continued to listen to the conversation.

"Mark, this is dangerous of what you're doing." They heard someone they didn't know.

"I know what I'm doing. The Malfoy's won't know what I'm gonna do to them." Mark replied. Draco looked at Blaise and Theo while they just shrugged. They continued to listen.

"What about those missing children?" The male voice asked.

"They don't know I'm killing them. They believe the dragon is the one who is causing these deaths." Mark replied.

"Alright, so what are you planning against the Malfoys?" The male asked.

"Once Astoria marries Draco, we'll make a false scandal of them kidnapping the children and killing them. They will be hated over the nation and we will take over the kingdom." Mark laughed. "Bryan, go get more drinks before I give you a beating."

"Right away sir." Bryan huffed.

Draco, Blaise, and Theo looked at each other, Theo removed the USB from the computer and handed it to Draco.

"We have some evidence, what are you gonna do with the recording?" Theo asked. Draco thought for a moment before he had a small smirk on his face.

"Theo I want you to keep it until the wedding." Draco handed the USB back to Theo who had a confused look on his face.

"How are you gonna show any evidence?" Theo asked as he tried to hand the USB back to Draco but he rejected it.

"You will be in charge of the music so when everyone is seated I will make an announcement and you will play this audio to everyone," Draco replied. Theo nodded the rest of them continued to work on the plan.


Y/N was at home, cooking food for the children. She had asked the children about their parents and some of them replied that their parents are still hoping for them to come home while others replied that their parents died and they live with other relatives.

"Y/N/N, when are we going to see my parents again?" A little girl asked, Y/N looked at her. She kneeled down to her level.

"Very soon."

The little girl smiled widely and hugged Y/N. She was taken back with the love of the girl.

"I'm counting down the days! I drew a picture of you!" The little girl ran to the living room to retrieve the drawing. She returned with the drawing in her hand and gave it to Y/N, she looked at it and it brought a smile to her.

"This is a pretty drawing." She noticed the girl drew also Draco and on the other side were Astoria and her family angry at the side Draco and I were.

"You think so? I believe you will become queen and you will save us from the Greengrass." The little girl said. Y/N smiled at the mention of becoming queen, she liked the idea but Draco only has 4 days left to get enough evidence against the Greengrass and stop this wedding.

"Maybe one day I'll become queen and save the kingdom." She smiled and nodded, she ran off to play with the other children.

There was a knock on the door, Y/N opened it to see Draco.

"Draco." Y/N pulled Draco into a kiss, he quickly responded. They pulled away and Draco enter her home. "What brings you here?"

"We got more evidence against the Greengrass," Draco stated.

"That's amazing but is this enough evidence to accuse the Greengrass?" Draco nodded.

"Yes, Theo placed the listening mic under Bryan's shirt and we heard Astoria's father planning what he will do once Astoria marries me. He will accuse us that we had something to do with the missing children and he will take over the kingdom." Draco explained Y/N nodded.

"Where's the recording?" Y/N asked.

"With Theo," Draco replied. "He will be the one who will play the audio once everyone is seated. You will bring some of the older children so they could testify what they've been through."

Y/N nodded. She was happy that they can accuse the Greengrass of what they did.

"I hope this works," Y/N said. Draco placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her, directly into her eyes.

"This will work, I know it will," Draco reassured. Y/N nodded. They talked for a few more hours until Draco excused himself to go and do something. Y/N continued cleaning the house when she heard the door knock.

She was confused about who it was. She wasn't expecting anyone at the moment, with a sigh she headed to the door and opened it.

"Hello Y/N," Lucius said happily.

A/N: I'm sorry  I haven't updated but I hope you enjoy this chapter

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