Chapter 16

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Draco and Lucius were in the throne room. They only had two days until the wedding.

"So when the priest asks you for your vows. You will say that you recorded your vows on the laptop, Theo will plug in the USB and everyone will hear what Astoria's father said." Lucius told his son as he nodded.

"What will happen next?" Draco asked.

"Y/N would walk in with the missing children and I would run up to her. I'll say that I'm grateful I will let you marry her." Lucius smiled. "I knew from the start that Y/N was the perfect girl for you."

"Does mom know about the Greengrass scandal?" Draco questioned. Lucius nodded.

"Yes and we can't cancel the wedding or they might suspect we might know something," Lucius said. Draco nodded and sighed.

"I hope this works because I don't want to be married to Astoria." Draco groaned.

"Lucius! Draco! Come downstairs!" Narcissa called out, both men walked downstairs to be greeted by Astoria's parents. Lucius and Draco were both confused about why they were here. Narcissa had a concerned look on her face.

"Mark, Sofia. What brings you here?" Lucius greeted. His tone was a bit annoyed. The Greengrass just ignored Lucius and basically got to the point.

"Astoria has informed me that Y/N Y/L/N has returned to your home so Sofia and I decided to change the wedding for tomorrow," Mark replied. All three of them eyes widen at the unexpected news.

"Tomorrow?" Draco asked in disbelief, he was getting married a day before he turns eighteen. He wasn't ready. Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong with that?" He asked, eyeing Draco suspiciously.

"N-no—it's just—I feel like it's too soon don't you think? I still need to prepare my vows." Draco tried to reason. He looked at his father, hoping he will do something.

"Mark, Draco, and Y/N don't have any sort of relationship with each other," Lucius said. Mark looked at them.

"Then why is she Draco's personal guard?" Mark questioned, a bit irritated.

"Because she saved his life. Look the invitations have already been sent out for the 5th, we can't change the date besides it's a tradition for them to get married on their birthdays. We can't break that tradition." Lucius stated. Mark rolled his eyes and grunted.

"Fine but once Astoria and Draco get married I want Y/N gone from this home," Mark smirked. Lucius nodded and the Greengrass left.

"That was close." Narcissa breathed out a sigh of relief then glared at her husband. "That was a bit risky to bring Y/N back to the home."

"I'm sorry Cissy, look we have two days until the wedding. Has Y/N rescued all of the children?" Lucius asked. Draco nodded.

"She has all of the missing children, Blaise took pictures of the Greengrass home as evidence. Father, I want to build a memorial for the deceased children." Draco said. Lucius nodded.

"I'm gonna head outside," Draco told his parents which they nodded. Draco walked outside and headed towards the forest. He sat next to a tree and began to think.

He has two days until the wedding, he was nervous about the plan. What if it doesn't work? He shooked his head.

It has to work, I just know it. He thought.


Draco looked up to see Pansy running towards him. She had a concerned look on her face which caught Draco's attention. He stood up immediately.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now