Chapter 9

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Draco spends more time with Astoria's father and his father. He listened deeply into their conversation but there was no information about the kingdom or the dragon. Today He gonna visit Astoria's home.

"When will I return?" Draco asked his mother as she looked at the Greengrass.

"You'll go only for a few days." She replied as he nodded. His father carried the luggage. Astoria's father stepped in front of him and stared at Draco.

"We should leave. Astoria is waiting for you." He said as he nodded. Draco hugged his parents and took a glance at Pansy who nodded. She will inform everything that was going on while Draco is gone. Draco left with Mr. Greengrass, he sat quietly throughout the car ride as they reached the place. It looked very dark and gloomy, Draco already misses home. "Welcome home, Draco." He looked at Mr. Greengrass and smiled.

"Your home is lovely." Draco lied as he smiled. They got out of the car and made their way inside the house. Astoria and her mother were standing near the living room.

"Welcome to our home, Draco." Her mother quickly hugged him as he smiled awkwardly.

"Your home is lovely Mrs. Greengrass." Draco complimented as Mrs. Greengrass smiled. Astoria ran up to Draco and hugged him tightly.

"Draco! I missed you! This is where you going to live with me!" Astoria exclaimed as Draco winced at that idea.

"Sweetie, you are squeezing Draco tightly let him breathe." Mr. Greengrass said as Astoria let go of Draco. Mr. Greengrass touched Draco's shoulder as the two of them walked to Mr. Greengrass's office. "Take a seat, son." Draco sat down as he sat across from him.

"Is something wrong, sir?" Draco asked. The man rubbed his forehead and looked directly at Draco.

"I'm aware your father mentioned you about the dragon that is scaring poor people." He said as Draco stared at the man, perfect! The young prince thought. Draco was finally gonna find information about the missing children and the dragon.

"Yes, my father told me about the dragon that is causing children to vanish," Draco said. "Since I will be king soon I want to find out why our local children disappear when they go near the dragon. Are there still alive or...dead?" Draco hoped the children were safe and not harmed, but harmed, harmed, he didn't want to know the truth.

"Those children are still alive and are working for us." Draco's eyes widen as he took in the information. "They are like our servants. They are nothing but scums who can't afford what we have." Draco furrowed his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"But they are just children! They need an education, their parents must be worried about them." Draco said as Mr. Greengrass looked at him. The door creaked open and a young boy walked in. His clothes were torn and he looked malnourished.

"Sir, Ms. Greengrass wants to speak with you." Draco recognized the boy as Y/N's brother, Louis. The older man nodded as he walked out leaving Louis and Draco alone.

"Louis!" Draco hugged the young boy as he hugged Draco back.

"Draco! How is Y/N? Marina?" Louis asked as they pulled away from the hug.

"They are fine but what about you? Where are your parents?" Draco asked as Louis frowned.

"I'm fine but I don't know where they are. We got separated and I don't know where they are. I'm scared." Louis whispered as Draco frowned.

"I will find a way to let everyone escape from the Greengrass," Draco said as the two of them left the office. Louis showed Draco where he was staying. Draco nodded as the two of them sat on the bed.

"What's the plan?" Louis asked as he stared at Draco. Draco got up and opened the door to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. He closed the door and stood against the wall.

"We got more people to get involved. Since I'll be staying here for a few days I need to get information about the dragon or the kingdom while the others are getting information from Astoria." Draco explained as Louis nodded.

"I want to help too!" Louis begged as Draco smiled and nodded. "I'm always with Astoria's father so I can listen deeply to his conversations."

Astoria walked into the room as she looked at her soon-to-be husband. "Father is taking us to a racehorse. He wanted you to come with us." Astoria asked, her eyes glistened as she hoped he would come.

"I'm actually not feeling well," Draco said. Astoria gave him a worried look as she quickly went to his side.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to stay with you? I can tell father to cancel our plan." She asked, frantically as Draco shooked his head.

"No, it's just homesick. I just missed home and I guess I'm still getting used to your house." He said as Astoria nodded. "But you can go with your parents. I will be alright." Draco hoped Astoria would believe him. He needed to find information from them and this was perfect timing for him to do so.

"Alright, I'll tell father that you are sick. Get well, my love." Astoria said as she left the room. Draco looked at Louis then he looked out the window to see the Greengrass leave their house as he watched them disappear out of sight. He left the room and searched around the house, trying to find information. He enters the office again and searched around the desk as his eyes landed on some papers that read; Ways to kill dragons. Draco flipped through the pages as he saw different drawings on how to kill a dragon. He decided to keep the book so it could be useful for him. He looked at other papers when he stumbled on a letter.

They are safe with me.


Draco looked at the writing of his father. What did he mean that they are safe? Who are they? He went back to his room and began to write to Pansy.

Dear Pansy,

I arrived at the Greengrass home and found a book of ways to kill that bloody dragon. I found Y/N's brother, he is working for the Greengrass but I'm not sure where are her parents. I hope you found some information. I found this strange letter from my father, it just said that they are safe with him. I don't know what he meant with that but I'll figure it out. I hope Y/N is alright, tell her I love her and will try to find a way to save everyone.


He sealed the envelope and gave it to another child who told him specifically to give it to Pansy.

Pansy roamed the halls as she watched the guards march around. She took something from her pocket and threw it at one of the men as he gasped in confusion. Pansy watched as the man looked around.

"Someone might have entered the castle." The man said to the other man as they both walked away searching for the intruder.

"Hey, what did I miss?" Mattheo asked as he stood behind Pansy. She jumped as she looked at Mattheo.

"Stop that!" Pansy whined as she smacked Mattheo in his chest as he chuckled. "Come on, let's see what's in Lucius's office." Pansy dragged Mattheo to the office as she closed the door behind them. The two of them searched everywhere but there was nothing to find. Pansy groaned as she sat on the chair while Mattheo continues to search until he found something.

"Pansy, look at this," Mattheo called out as Pansy stood up and walked towards him as he held a photograph. He looked at the back which read; Y/N Y/L/N, age 5, personality: Independent, kind, fearless. Same personality as Draco.

Pansy and Mattheo looked at each other in confusion. Why did Lucius Malfoy have a photograph of Y/N when she was a small child? She had to tell Draco about this. They heard footsteps as their eyes widened. They were screwed.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter, what do you think what's gonna happen in the next chapter?

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Thanks for reading!

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