Chapter 3

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Draco POV

The next day I woke up from my father.

"Draco, Draco. Wake up." He shooked me awake. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, get up this instant!"

I pulled the blanket from my face and glared at my father. "Never. Wake. Me. Up." He rolled his eyes and stood up

"You have to get ready. The Greengrass will be here any minute." He said sternly. I groaned and got out of bed, I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I'm about to meet my future wife, great. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by my mother, she looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"Are you ready?" My mother asked me. I nodded. My father dragged me to the next room to be greeted by the Greengrass. The king, Mark Greengrass, was a tall, chubby, old guy. The queen, Sophia Greengrass, was a small,
brown—headed woman, with a skinny face and lastly Astoria Greengrass. She's a brown—headed girl, about tall as me. She is covered in make-up. I could have mistakenly thought of her like a clown.

"Drakie!" She screeched as she hugged me tightly.

"Hi...Astoria." I said awkwardly.

"Sparks." My mother commented

"Let's leave the two lovebirds alone." Her mother responded. The adults nodded and left the room, leaving me alone with Astoria.

"So Drakie." She said seductively. "What are we gonna do?" She came closer to me. I moved away from her.

"Uh—I don't know." I said then she kissed me. She just kissed me which I didn't enjoy for one bit. She pulled away and flutter her eyes.

"You liked it?" She asked. I just nodded in complete confusion. The adults came back with smiles on their faces.

"I see the lovebirds have gotten along," Sophia says. While my mother smiled at her.

"Yes, they make the cutest couple." My mother replied as Sophia nodded. We spend the whole day getting to know each other. They left and I quickly went up to my room. I heard a knock at my window, I opened it to see Y/N. I smiled.

"Y/N," I said happily. She smiled

"Hello, Draco." She said as she stepped inside. "How was your meeting with the Greengrass?"

"They were very serious and their daughter is very clingy," I said. "She kissed me but I didn't feel anything."

"Oh." She said simply as she looked down, I swear I saw a frown but she looked up with a smile.

"How's everything?" I asked. She sighed.

"Well, everything is the same. The Greengrass keeps stealing from us. Another boy went missing near the cave and I want this to stop." She said

"I'll save everyone. I promise." I said sincerely. She nodded. She opened her mouth but got interrupted by a knock.

"Draco, are you in there? I need to speak to you." My father spoke. I looked at Y/N.

"Hide in the bathroom and lock the door," I said she nodded and quickly enter my bathroom and closed the door. "Yeah, come in."

My father enter my room and sat down next to me on my bed. "Son, I know you and Astoria met each other, but I can see the connection between you two. So I talked to Astoria's parents about this, and tomorrow you are gonna propose to Astoria." He said excitedly. I just stared at him in horror.

"What!? I just met her! This is so sudden!" I felt so dizzy and sick, everything around me was spinning. "Dad, why are there three of you?" I asked, before collapsing to the ground. I woke up, seeing my parents bend over me.

"What the hell." I groaned as I rubbed my head.

"Language young man." My mother scolded.

"Sorry." I got up and sat down as my mother handed me a glass of water.

"Son, I know this all of a sudden and all of this is a bit overwhelming for you, but it's for a good cause. It can help you save us."

They're finally telling me about the situation. My father sat next to me and spoke.

"The kingdom hasn't been doing well the last few months. The Greengrass invaded the kingdom and put everyone including us under pressure. We couldn't do anything, but they said if Astoria marries you, they would stop." He exclaimed I just nodded. I didn't really wanna do this but I have no choice. If I want to save Y/N and everyone I must marry Astoria, even if it meant sacrificing my true love up. I began to fall for Y/N. I get butterflies whenever I'm around her or when she smiles—I wish she was my wife instead of Astoria.

"Well, we planned the date for your wedding. It will be June 5th." My father smiled. That's my birthday. Great.

"Alright, I'll propose to her," I said they smiled. My father patted my back and then left. My mother kissed my forehead.

"You're doing the right thing, Draco." She said, I nodded then she left. Y/N came out of the bathroom.

"You're saving us, Draco." She said quietly. I noticed she had tears stained. Has she been crying?

"Y/N...?" I walked closer to her. She back away from me.

"I—I gotta go." She replied, quickly. She opened my window and climbed out of it. I watched her disappear into the night. I sighed.


I ran straight home as my vision became blurry from the crying. I was a fool to fall for Draco. But I couldn't help it, I reached home.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My mother asked, worriedly. I ignored her and went straight to my room. I flopped on my bed as tears spill from my eyes. We would never end up together. He's a prince while I'm just a poor girl. He's getting married. I have to move on from Draco even if it hurts.

A/N: Here is chapter 3 of Please call me, Draco. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now