Chapter 18

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Today was the day. Everybody was getting ready for the wedding. Draco was with his father, to say he was nervous was an understatement. He was worried about their plan what if it doesn't go as well?

"Father, what if it doesn't work?" Draco asked as he fixed his tie.

"It will work son, you will do your part and when the time is right we will unfold everything." Draco nodded. There was a light knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Lucius asked.

"Mark." Mr. Greengrass answered. Draco looked at his father, he hoped Astoria's father didn't hear their conversation. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, come in," Lucius said. Mark walked in with a smile on his face.

"Draco, look at you. Today is a special moment in your life that you will remember forever." Mark smiled. "Ah Lucius, now that your son is marrying my daughter I decided to make some changes to our kingdoms. I want to combine our kingdoms as one."

"Very well," Lucius replied. "How's Astoria?"

"You know her." Mark chuckled. "She has been up getting ready since 5 am." Draco's eyes widen.

"But the wedding starts in two hours?" Draco said he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"I told her that but she couldn't wait to get ready." Mark rolled his eyes. Draco just nodded and looked into the mirror. He was ready to unfold the Greengrass secrets.


"Y/N! Get up!" Y/N groaned and rolled over the bed. Pansy sighed and knew one way to get her to wake up. "Draco is here!"

Y/N sat up abruptly and looked around but glared at Pansy who had a smile on her face.

"Great, you're up. Now get dressed." Pansy demanded. Y/N got out of bed and changed into a simple light pink dress.

"How much time do we have?" Y/N asked as she fixed her hair.

"Two hours," Pansy replied. "Let's get you all beautiful." Pansy squealed. Y/N rolled her eyes but let her do her makeup and hair. After a few curses from Pansy and a few whines from Y/N, they were finished. "Tada." Y/N looked in the mirror and gasped. She looked beautiful.

"Pansy." Y/N looked at Pansy, she smiled.

"I know and you're welcome." Pansy smiled. "Now let's get to that wedding." Y/N stood up and exited her home. All of the children that they rescued were standing outside of her home. They all gasped once they saw Y/N.

"You look beautiful." A little girl walked up to her. "Like a real princess."

"Why thank you." Y/N smiled. She looked at the other children. "Are you all ready?" The rest of the children smiled. Y/N grabbed the little girl's hand and walked down the path. The rest of the children followed her


Draco waited patiently in the church. He kept taking glances at his father, nervously but Lucius reassured his son that everything will be fine. The traditional wedding music began and everyone stood up as the doors opened revealing the bridesmaids who were Astoria's friends.

He saw her. Astoria walked down the aisle with her father right beside her. Draco would have smiled if it was Y/N who was walking down the aisle instead of Astoria. Mark gave the hand of his daughter to Draco, who accepted it.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now