Chapter 5

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Draco POV

I ran to the throne room as I watched a guard put cuffs on Y/N.

"Wait!" I shouted, catching everyone's attention. The judge turned to me. "She cannot get this punishment."

"Why not? Do you know her?" The judge asked. What am I gonna tell him? Oh, I do know her. She's my lover and I'm trying to figure out a way to cancel my arranged marriage to Astoria and marry the love of my life. Now please let her go. I think not.

"No, I don't," I said. "I think that as the future king, I should have some experience in the punishment of people, so I was kind of hoping if I could do this one." The judge looked at me and thought for a moment.

"Very well. What did you have in mind?" I thought for a moment, what did I have in mind?

"Um...I think she should become one of the royal guards? You know, to learn some rules, becoming strict and be like my bodyguard since I'm the prince and people might attack me so I want some protection." I said as I looked at Y/N. She looked very please with my answer. The judge looked at me then at Y/N.

"Very well then." He sighed as he scribbled of a piece of parchment then looked at Y/N. "You heard what he said. Jason, please remove the cuff off of Ms. Y/L/N."

Jason unlocked Y/N cuffs as she rubbed her hands.

"I'll escort her to the tower," I shouted as I grabbed Y/N's arm as I led her out of the throne and found a secluded area before she hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She said happily I smiled as I hugged her back, we pulled away from the hug. "I really thought I was gonna die." She let out a tear which I quickly wiped away.

"Hey, I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll protect you, alright?" I said as I intertwined our fingers together. "Besides you are my new bodyguard, we will be with each other twenty-four, seven," I smirked. She blushed. I pulled her into a kiss as she threw her arms around my neck. We pulled away as we heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Drakie! What are you doing with her? She kidnapped you, she got her punishment." Astoria complained as she shot a glare at Y/N.

"Well I stopped her trial and she is now my bodyguard. Since I'll be future king I want to have some responsibility for her punishment." I said. Astoria glared at me and huffed.

"Wait till your father hears about this, he'll be disappointed to hear that you overturn her trial from being killed." She said. Hey, that's my line. How dare she take my line! Astoria walked away. Y/N looked at me.

"She looks like she isn't happy to know that I'm still alive." She said, I looked at her.

"Don't worry about her," I said. "Come on let me show you your room." I led her around the castle as she looked around the area, in awe. I smiled at the sight. We reached an empty room right next to mine. We walked inside as she looked around.

"This is a lot bigger than my old room." She said as she sat down on the bed.

"Well, I hope you feel comfortable," I said as I stood by the doorway. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you Draco, I don't know how to thank you for saving my life again." She said I looked at her.

"No need to thank me, love. I only want in return is you loving me." I said she smiled.

"I will always love you." She said. I smiled. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead. "If you ever need me my room is right next to yours."

She nodded. I left the room as I took a stroll around the castle. Taking in everything that happened in these few hours. I saved Y/N from death, she's now my bodyguard.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, where have you been?" My father asked. I gulped.

"I—um—I went to—er to the stables, but there weren't any horses." I pouted.

"You went to the stables at this hour?" He asked, suspiciously. I'm so screwed.

"Yeah, I did. It's just I missed Major. But hey, when did you guys come back?" I asked.

"After Astoria informed us about your disappearance." He said angrily.

"Oh," I said quietly. I felt something didn't feel right. "Why did you arrest Y/N?"

"She has a bad influence on you. I like it." He said, wait he likes it? So is he ok if I want to be with Y/N? "But you know who doesn't."

He knows.

"Draco, you need to propose to Astoria tonight." He said. "Don't mess anything up we don't want to be a scandal for the kingdom." I nodded. He walked away leaving me all alone.


I decorated my new room. It had been a hectic day, I got sentenced to death, got saved by Draco, became his bodyguard. But I really miss home, I wonder how are my siblings or my parents? I didn't tell them that I'm now living in this castle maybe I'll visit them later. Narcissa walked into the room.

"I see you are comfortable in your room." She said. I nodded

"Yes, it feels almost like home," I said. She nodded as she paced around the room.

"Well since you are now living here I expect high standards from you. I don't want to hear any complaints from the other guards that you are not doing your duties." She said as she looked at me. I nodded. "Good. I want you down in the living room, we will be having some guests and I want everyone in the castle to be there." She walked away. I sighed, I left my room and walked down the stairs as I headed to the living room. I saw the Greengrass chatting with the Malfoy's. Astoria was all over Draco as he seemed bored. Draco and I locked eyes as everyone where talking.

"Draco, it's time," Lucius said as he gave Draco a small box. I knew what is gonna happen. Draco got up and walked a few steps towards Astoria as he got down on one knee.

"Astoria Greengrass, will you marry me?" Draco asked as he opened the small box. We watched the couple as everyone was waiting for an answer from Astoria.

"YES, YES, YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" Astoria screamed. I think she blasted everyone's eardrums. Draco placed the ring on her finger and stood up and she kissed him. I felt my heart shatter as I watched the two of them kiss. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away and left the room. I need some fresh air.

"Wait, Y/N!" Draco ran after me. I began to run away from him.

"Leave me alone, Draco!" I shouted as I looked back to see him catching up to me. He eventually caught up with me. I thrashed against his arms.

"Let me go! I don't want to be near you!" I shouted as I continued to thrash around but he wouldn't let me go, after a couple of minutes of thrashing around I gave up and just sobbed against his chest.

"Don't cry, I don't like it when you cry." He whispered as he stroked my hair. I sighed.

"It hurts me Draco," I whispered. "Seeing you kiss her breaks my heart. I know you are doing this to help us, but it hurts that you will be married in a couple of weeks. You're gonna have a life with Astoria while I'll be with my family. I miss them." He looked at me and frowned.

"We can visit them if you want." He said. I nodded we went to my house and we see that it was silent. Draco and I walked inside to see the house a mess. There was a lot of broken glass, chairs thrown across the room, papers shredded. What happened? I heard a small sob coming from behind the furniture. "Reveal yourself," Draco called out as he wrapped his arm protectively around my waist. My sister, Marina appeared out of her hiding spot. She had tears rolling down her face.

"Marina, what's wrong?" I asked as I kneeled down to her level. She kept crying and shaking.

"They took them Y/N/N. King Lucius took mom, dad, and Louis with them." She cried harder. My blood boil, did Mr. Malfoy take away my family as a punishment. I hugged Marina as she cried harder. "Three tall guys came here and trashed the place. Louis told me to hide and I did but they couldn't hide. I miss them."

I looked at Draco as he shot me a sorrowful look. I have to find my family, I have to take care of my sister as she's the baby of the family. I have to know where they are and why would Draco's father do this to me.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now