Chapter 4

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I stayed in my room for a couple of days, trying to avoid Draco. I need to forget about him since he's gonna be a married man in a couple of weeks. I don't believe that a prince would fall for me. First of all, I come from a poor family, live in a dangerous neighborhood, I have nothing to give Draco but just love. He has everything. My younger sibling came to my room.

"Y/N, it's been a week since you last talked to Draco. He has been very worried about you." He said as he sat on my bed. I sighed.

"I don't want to see him. He's getting married in a couple of weeks, I have to forget about him. I'm glad he is getting married to Astoria." I said as I wrapped my knees up to my chest as tears streamed down my face. My brother, Louis sighed.

"You love him, don't you." He said. I looked at him.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I see the way you admire him. You treat Draco as if he is a normal person not caring if he's the prince." He smiled. "I see that Draco is in love with you as well."

I raised my eyebrow. How can Draco Malfoy, the prince? Can be in love with me? I'm just a simple girl. "You're lying. Draco is the prince. How can he be in love with me when I can't give him anything in return? He has everything he wants. He has a nice house, money, a beautiful fiance while I'm just a poor girl with no money. How can I return the favor?" I asked as I looked at my brother in the eye.

"You can return the favor with love." He said. "I know Draco has everything but I know that the only thing he wants in return is love." I looked down, should I confess my feeling to him? What if he doesn't love me back, he is just helping me to save my neighborhood from the Greengrass.

"How are you so sure he's in love with me?" I questioned. "He's only helping us from the Greengrass."

"Y/N, he is helping us from poverty, he saved your life when you got stabbed and you saved his when those two men asked about Draco. If you turned him into those guys he would have been killed or tortured. You guys are meant to be together." He said. I smiled. Louis stood up and walked a few steps away from me. "Draco is outside. He wants to talk to you."

"What?" I asked as I stood up as well. "Tell him, I'll be there in a sec," I said as I walked to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I looked in the mirror and took a breath, I walked out of the room I walked in the living room seeing Draco talking to Louis, Draco looked at me and smiled,

"Y/N." He stood up as I smiled sweetly at him.

"Hey Draco," I replied he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"I was hoping if you wanted to take a walk with me?" He asked as he used his other hand to scratch his neck, awkwardly. I smiled.

"Sure," I said. He smiled. We walked to the forest where we met and I admired the trees and just the surrounding around me. Draco led me somewhere. "Where are we going, Dray?" I giggled as he turned around to face me.

"It's a surprise." He said. I shooked my head, laughing. We reached an area there was a small picnic set up. My eyes widen I looked at Draco who just stared at me.

"What is this?" I asked as I was in shock. It was really beautiful I guess it took him a while to set this up. There was a lot of food that I've never got a chance to eat since I couldn't afford it. There was a pile of roses lay across the blanket, string lights hovered above us, to say I was amazed is true. Nobody ever did this to me and I love it. "I love it." I let go of Draco's hand and hugged him he returned the hug.

"Anything for my favorite girl." We separated from the hug. I blushed and looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice. Draco lifted my chin so I faced him I looked at his grey eyes. "Don't do that, it's cute when you blush." I smiled as I stroked his cheek.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now