Chapter 6

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I laid in bed with Marina between my arms. Here is what happened in the last twenty-four hours, I took Marina to the castle after Draco explained to his mother about my situation and she allowed me to bring Marina with me to the castle much to Astoria's and Lucius' dismay. Draco got another room for Marina but she didn't want to be by herself so I allowed her to stay in my room. There was a light knock at the door.

"Come in," I said softly. Draco walked in and sat down on the bed.

"Morning." He said quietly so he wouldn't wake up Marina.

"Morning," I replied as I carefully sat up. He stared at us.

"How did you two sleep?" He asked, I could tell he sense that Marina didn't sleep well. I sighed.

"She had nightmares all night," I said as I looked at Marina as she tossed and turned in her sleep. "I never saw her like this, it hurts me to know that our family got separated. I'm not sure where they are."

Draco intertwined our fingers as he brought my hand towards his lips and gently kissed it. "I overheard my father talking about your family and he said that the Greengrass took them as their own slaves. I mean your parents and brother are working with the Greengrass and if they don't obey they punish them." I gasped as tears fell out of my eyes.

"No..." I cried as I covered my mouth, making sure not to wake up Marina. "You gotta do something, convince the Greengrass to let my family free."

"I'll do anything, my love." He sighed. "But it won't be easy, I have to find an excuse on why they should let them go."

I sniffed as I looked down. "You gotta find a good damn reason to convince the Greengrass to return my family, Malfoy." I looked at Draco as he raised his eyebrow.

"So we're going to talk with last names, Y/L/N?" He looked at me.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" I smirked at him.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I do." He said, crossing his arms.

"And why do you have a problem with that?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe because I then have to talk to you with a wrong last name." He smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Maybe I don't want to call you Y/L/N." He still had a smirk on his face. My eyes widen.

"What do you want to call me then?" I asked. I scooted back a bit as he leaned closer to me. My heart began racing, he placed his fingers under my chin as I looked at his beautiful grey eyes.

"Maybe I want to call you Malfoy." He spoke as I began blushing really hard. He wants to call me Malfoy, as in his wife! Take that Astoria. He closed the gap between us as our lips met. No matter how many times I kiss him I still get butterflies in my stomach.

"Y/N/N? Why are you kissing Prince Draco?" A small voice interrupted us. Draco and I pulled away to see my sister watching us with wide eyes. Draco coughed awkwardly.

" that—er—I'm in love with your sister." Draco explained to Marina as she smiled.

"But Draco what about Astoria? She won't be happy if she finds out." Marina said. Draco chuckled.

"It'll be our little secret." He said. I smiled. "Can you keep it a secret?"

Marina nodded. "Yes, I can keep this secret. I'm only five, that's a whole hand." Draco and I laughed. "So will there be a baby soon?"

Draco looked at me and smirked while I blushed. "Uh...Maybe in a few years when everything is normal." I said.

"Come on you two," Draco said as he stood up. I stood up as well while Marina sat on the bed.

"Prince Draco carry me on your shoulders." She begged. Draco nodded as he kneeled and Marina hopped on his shoulders.

"You're alright?" Draco asked.

"Yes, come on Prince Draco. Take me to the stables." Marina ordered as Draco nodded.

"Yes, princess Marina." She let out a giggle and Draco walked out of the room with Marina on his shoulders. I just shook my head and walked behind him. I'm not gonna lie he would be an amazing father in the future.

Marina POV

Draco and I went to the stables as he put me down. There were a lot of horses, I was amazed.

"You own all these horses?" I asked as one of them caught my attention.

"Yes." He said as Draco looked at what I was staring at and smiled. "This is Major, I had him since I was a little boy." I looked at him as I pet Major.

"I've seen people have horses of their own but I never had a chance to ride one," I said Draco looked at me and frowned.

"You want to take a stroll with Major?" He asked, I nodded he smiled. He picked me up and placed me on the horse. I was a bit nervous. "Don't be nervous. Major won't harm you. I'm not gonna let you fall." I nodded as Draco led Major around. I smiled happily, he led me around the castle as I giggled. We reached back to the stables as Draco helped me get off the horse.

"Thank You, Draco," I said as I hugged him. He hugged me back.

"You're welcome." He replied. I pulled away from the hug and ran towards the castle with Draco chasing after me.

Astoria POV

I watched as Draco ran after Y/N's sister as she giggled. I hate how Draco is so close to Y/N. He's my fiance he's getting married to me. I have to find a way to get rid of Y/N and her sister, they don't belong here. They are both poor they can't give anything in return. I had a plan to get rid of them, starting with Y/N. I walked to the kitchen and began to make lemonade, I grabbed a cup and poured lemonade in the cup then I searched for food poisoning and poured it in the cup. I mixed it and set it on the table. Y/N's sister walked in, all happy.

"Hi, Astoria! I'm really thirsty." She picked up the cup with the poison and walked away, Oh no. She took the cup. I ran after she tried to stop it before she drank it. I can't get caught by this! This would be a huge scandal if they found out I poisoned Y/N Y/L/N's younger sister.


I was chatting with Draco as he told me how happy Marina was when he took her to the stables. I smiled.

"She always loved horses, ever since she was a baby. She made a promise to herself that if we get out of poverty she would buy many horses for the entire family." I said as I smiled at the memory. He chuckled.

"She is a lovely kid, I know everything is messed up but I will save you, we will save each other." He said as I nodded. He kissed my cheek. Marina walked in, holding a cup that was filled with lemonade. She took a sip then another. After a few more sips she gagged.

"My lemonade tastes weird." She said as she began coughing uncontrollably. Draco and I quickly went by her side as she continues to cough.

"Marina, what's wrong?" I asked desperately,  fearing the worse. "Answer me! Draco go get help!" I cried as Marina became unconscious. Draco nodded and left to find help, leaving me alone with Marina. "You'll be okay, You'll be okay," I whispered as I held her close in my arms fearing that I will lose her.

A/N: Aye I decided to upload 2 chapters in one day because I felt generous. Hope you enjoy these two chapters and review.

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