Chapter 15

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Lucius hugged me as I stood frozen. I was confused about why the king was here. Was he here to tell me to stop seeing Draco? Or was he here to rub in my face that Draco is getting married in four days?

"May I come in?" Lucius asked, I nodded and Lucius stepped in, looking at my home. I began to get nervous not knowing what his intentions are. He sat down on the sofa and I stood there.

"Before I begin, I'm not here to insult you or anything I want to thank you for saving my son." He smiled. I smiled back.

"It was nothing." I shrugged he rose an eyebrow.

"Of course it's something, it shows me you can fight and protect others." He replied. "I want you back in the palace and be his personal guard."

He wants me to be Draco's personal guard. I need a cover. "Sir, I would love to but what about his fiancé," I asked. He smirked at me.

"You didn't seem to mind the past months." He snickered.

"What?" I asked he laughed and shooked his head.

"No need to be shocked. I've known all along. I knew about the plan and I've known who's involved and I'm impressed with everything you, Draco, and the others have done these past few weeks." He praised I smiled.

"But why did you act that you hated me?" I asked, wanting to know the truth. He sighed.

"I never hated you. In fact, I liked you from the start, you see ten years ago I was driving near your village when I saw you playing with the other children, I knew you would be perfect for Draco because you were just like him. Every year I came by the same spot and looked at you. I knew you two were meant to be, so I set up a small plan to get to know you better." Lucius explained.

"You knew all along?" He nodded with a smile.

"I ordered my men to take your brother and your parents, to let me see how you can handle pain. I send your parents to go on long business trips to let me see if you are responsible. One year ago I knew you were perfect, so I started to try and get Draco outside of the castle and he eventually did, I knew he was going to the forest because he always wanted to go there and he met you. The only thing I didn't know is that my wife set up all of this in the meantime but with all the evidence you, Draco, and the others found we can accuse everything the Greengrass has done." Lucius stated. I nodded.

"So you basically stalked me and took a photo of me when I was younger and wrote down my information." He just nodded.

"Yup, now let's go I want to see the look on Astoria's face when she sees you," Lucius smirked. I nodded and called out for Marina. We went back to Lucius's home and he told us where we were gonna stay. I had to find Draco and tell him the news. I walked around the house to find Draco.

Where could that blond hair be?

"Drakie you are so funny!" I heard Astoria's voice. I walked in the direction and found Draco trying to get Astoria off of him once he saw me his face lit up.

"Draco, your father wants to talk to you," I said. Astoria stood up and walked towards me.

"What are you doing here? I thought the king banned you from here!" Astoria shrieked I rolled my eyes.

"Well the king wants me here and I'm now Draco's personal guard. Now if you excuse me I must escort Draco to his father." I smirked while Astoria stormed out of the room. Draco came by my side and hugged me.

"I thought my father banned you from here?" Draco asked, confused.

"Well, he is on our side. He told me why he acted so mean towards me." I said. "I can tell you after you meet with your father." I led Draco to the throne room and went to my room, deciding to read my book. I heard a slight knock coming from the door, I set my book on my bed and walked towards the door, opening it to see Draco. I smiled.

He walked in and we just stood there.

"Can you tell me?" Draco asked. I nodded.

"Well, basically your father knew me 10 years ago, shocking right? He came to my village and spotted me playing with the other children. He told me that I reminded him of you and that we have the same personality. He made you go outside and we meet each other." I replied he smiled.

"That's amazing!" He said, happily.

"I know and he also knows about the plan and he is very impressed with everything we have done," I said

"I couldn't have done that without you, beautiful." I blushed.

He walked closer to me and pulled me closer to him. He pressed his lips against mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He led me to the bed and I laid down as he climbed on top of me. I ran my fingers under his shirt and tugged on it, indicating 'off' he understood, and removed his shirt and toss it somewhere across the room. The kiss became heated and soon we were both without a shirt but I still had my bra on. We forgot about everything that was going on.

"Hey, gu—Ahh!" We quickly separate to see Theo covering his eyes. I pushed Draco off of me and put on my shirt while Draco went to find his shirt and put it on as well. Theo walked right into a wall. "MY BACK!" He removed his hands from his eyes and rubbed his back while he looked at us again. "MY EYES AGAIN." He ran out of the room. Draco and I looked at each other and burst out into laughter.

"He is so weird sometimes." Draco chuckled while I rolled my eyes. "Be glad it wasn't my parents who walked in, that would have been weird."

"Totally." We walked out of the room and he told me he had something to do and said he would see me later.

Draco POV

I walked to Y/N's village and enter the cave. I had to kill this dragon, I found Falkor asleep and I quietly walked towards it. Falkor moved a little and opened its eyes and stared at mine.

"Hey Falkon, it's me Draco. Remember how you were so happy to see me." I said. Falkor began to trash around my eyes widen and I went to find something to protect myself. The last thing I remember was voices shouting at me before I blacked out.

"What was he thinking go to Falkor alone? He knows it's dangerous." I heard my father's voice. I let out a groan and opened my eyes.

"What happened?" I asked as I saw everyone surrounding me. I saw it was the morning I only have three days until I get married.

"We found you in the cave." My mother said. She moved my hair to the side. "What were you thinking of going alone?"

"I had to kill Falkor so he would stop terrorizing Y/N's village," I said. "What happened to him?"

"He was about to kill you when Y/N killed him. She got a bit injured but not like you." My father explained. I sat there in my thoughts, Falkor is dead. He no longer won't be terrorizing Y/N's village. The plan is going perfectly.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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