Chapter 11

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Draco waited in his room until it was nighttime. Once he heard his father dismiss the guards that were guarding the house and heard his parents sound asleep. Draco quietly left his room and went downstairs. He met up with Blaise, Pansy, and Mattheo.

"Alright, Pansy and Blaise you will gather as many children as you can and split them up. Blaise will bring half of the kids here while Pansy will take the other half to Y/N's home." Draco explained. Everyone nodded and exited the home, Pansy and Blaise walked to the Greengrass house and searched for the empty door that Draco mentioned to them. Pansy took out a piece of paper that had all the names of children who were working for the Greengrass.

"Found it," Pansy whispered. She carefully opened the door and the two of them walked inside.

"How do we find the children?" Blaise asked. Pansy looked around, trying to find the children. They quietly walked up the stairs to find any rooms.

"Pansy, look," Blaise whispered. He pointed at a sign that read; Servants for the Greengrass.

"Let's go." Pansy quietly opened the door and walked inside with Blaise. The children all looked malnourished, some of them were shivering. She carefully walked up to a little girl and shooked her awake, the girl was about to scream when Pansy quickly covered her mouth and put her finger up her lip. "Shh, we're here to rescue all of you. Prince Draco ordered us to rescue all of you."

The small girl nodded, Pansy removed her hand from the girl's mouth. The girl got out of bed and hugged Pansy.

"Thank you, thank you." She whispered. Pansy nodded.

"Alright," Pansy announced. The other children were already awake and waiting for Pansy to continue. "I will call out your name. Once you hear your name you will either go with Blaise or me."

The children nodded.

"Before we start do you all know any information about the Greengrass kidnappings?" Blaise asked. The children looked at each other and shooked their heads. One little girl raised her hand. "Yes, what's your name?"

"My name is Olivia. I remembered I was cleaning Mr. Greengrass's office when I saw him put some papers in a safe. I don't know what those papers were but he seemed nervous." Olivia said. Blaise and Pansy nodded.

"We will figure out what the Greengrass are hiding. Now let's call out the children that are leaving with us tonight." She looked at the piece of paper and started from the beginning. "Zachary Smith."

A small boy walked towards the front and looked at Pansy.

"That's me." He whispered. Pansy smiled and nodded.

"You will go with Blaise." The boy nodded and went with Blaise. "Melissa Thomas."

The children looked down and let out small mummers.

"Melissa Thomas," Pansy called out again. A small boy spoke out.

"Melissa...died a few months ago." He whispered. Pansy's and Blaise's eyes widen.

"How did she die?" Blaise asked, the boy looked down before he looked at Blaise.

"She was with Mr. Greengrass and she did something wrong so Mr. Greengrass locked her up and she died of hunger." The boy stated. Pansy and Blaise looked at each other and took note of this new information. With this new information the Greengrass can give up their royal title and Astoria's father can go to jail for this.

"Is she the only one that died by the Greengrass?" Pansy asked.

"No, there are more children that died from the Greengrass. I'm not sure where they hid their bodies but we are afraid of them." The boy said, a tear rolling down his cheek. Pansy hugged him and whispered comforting words to the small child.

"We will save all of you. Now let me finish calling out the names." Pansy continued calling out the names after a couple of names were called. Each of them had a couple of children. Other children had to stay behind. "I promise we will return to save all of you but I want you all to find any evidence from the Greengrass that we can use against them."

The rest of the children who will stay behind nodded. Pansy checked the time. "We have to go." She told Blaise. The two of them left with the children. Pansy took the children to Y/N's house while Blaise took the other half to Draco's home.

"These are the children?" Draco asked. Blaise nodded. "Alright, Mattheo and I will take the children to a safe place."

"Draco, there is something you should know," Blaise said. Draco raised his eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked, confused about what Blaise had to say.

"Pansy and I found out that Astoria's father killed some of the children, we're not sure how many has he killed but with information, the Greengrass has to give up their title and Astoria's father will go to jail," Blaise said, Draco nodded. He felt sad that some of the children were murdered by Astoria's father but he will find a way to get evidence against the Greengrass. "We told the children that stayed behind to find evidence to prove that Astoria's father has been doing this. We don't know where are the children remain but we will get justice for these children."

"Alright, Mattheo and I will take the children to a safe place and you will get some blankets and food for them," Draco ordered. Blaise nodded and left, Draco and Mattheo took the children to an empty place that was nice and warm. The children looked amazed, forgetting how they missed their homes. "All of you will stay here until I find your parents, Blaise will check in on you and will bring food and blankets."

"Thank you, Prince Draco." A little girl ran up to him and hugged his leg. Draco picked her up and hugged her.

"I will save all of you...we will reunite each one of you with your parents." Draco said. The children all hugged Draco and cried, knowing that the children will be with their parents again.

A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry I haven't updated it. I just started school so I will try to update whenever I can.

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