Chapter 7

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I paced around the hall as a doctor checked on Marina. What's taking them so long? I can't lose my sister. Draco was by my side as he was also scared.

"I'm scared, Dray. I can't lose my sister she means so much to me." I cried as he hugged me.

"She will be alright. She's a fighter." He said. I hiccuped as I tried to calm down. A few more hours passed until a doctor walked out of the room. "How is she?" I looked at the doctor as he let out a sigh.

"Marina had food poisoning in her system, we managed to get it out of her system. She needs some rest." He said as he excused himself. I looked at Draco as I hugged him tightly.

"Hey, she's alright. I knew she will be alright." He said as he stroked my hair. We separated from the hug.

"But who wanted to harm my sister? She is just an innocent girl...I don't see a reason to hurt her." I said as I thought of people who wanted to harm her, no one seemed fit to do it.

"I'll figure who did this. That person will be held accountably and be placed on trial." He said. I nodded. We enter the room to see her asleep, I went to her side and stroked her head. Draco looked at us as he rubbed Marina's hand. She shifted a bit and opened her eyes.

"Draco? Y/N/N? What happened?" She asked as she looked around.

"You were poisoned, but I will find out who did this," Draco said sternly. "Was someone was with you when you took the lemonade?"

She thought for a moment and then she nodded. "Yes, I remember someone who was with me when I grabbed the lemonade..." She stopped and looked down as she became quiet.

"Who was it?" Draco asked. "I won't be mad at you. I just want to know who hurt you. You are Y/N's sister so you mean something to me."

Marina looked at Draco and nodded as she spoke quietly.

"It was Astoria." She simply said. "She was the one in the kitchen and when I grabbed the cup that was filled with lemonade, her eyes widened and she followed me."

I looked at Draco as he stared at me too. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the hallway, as I paced around. I ran a hand through my hair.

"You think Astoria would do that?" I asked as Draco began to think.

"I don't think so. I don't believe she will hurt anyone." He said as I sighed. I had this awful feeling that she wanted me to get rid of. I really don't trust Astoria. What if that drink was meant for me?

"I don't trust her. What if that drink was meant for me? She accused me of kidnapping you, she can do anything to me to get far away from you. Do you think she knows about us?" I asked

"I hope not but listen I will protect you and make sure you are not hurt." He said as he cupped my face in his hands. I stared into his eyes, as it calmed me down a bit. He placed a loving kiss on my lips as I quickly kissed him back, forgetting about everything.


As the two lovers shared their affective kiss. Someone was watching them with fury in their eyes.

Astoria felt very anger watching her fiancé kissing the girl she despised the most. She ran out and went to find Lucius. He will be very furious with Draco for his affair with a peasant. Astoria found Lucius talking to her father, she ran up to him with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Astoria?" Lucius asked as he looked very concerned for his daughter-in-law. Astoria's father was also alarmed by her daughter's cries.

Please, call me Draco [Draco x Reader] ✓Where stories live. Discover now