By the time it was 6pm I had finally clocked out. Four hours of overtime wasn't too bad, though I had to admit I was tired. Hannah and Lisa had refused it so they left at their usual time. There were only about ten of us women who had stayed for it. As I walked through the locker room and out to the lobby I found Zack was waiting for me. I frowned when I saw his face but he was not deterred. He walked up to me and smiled, "Hey, I was hoping I would catch you before you took off for the day."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "Zack, I think I've been pretty clear that I don't want anything to do with you so what you are doing is boarding on harassment. So, just leave me alone." He took a step back, his eyes wide, "I just want to talk to you, I'm sorry if I'm coming on too strong. I want to make things right."
I laughed dryly, "There is nothing to make right. You bullied me when we were kids and now you feel bad about it. You are trying to clear your conscience or something. It's fine, I'm over it. I don't want anything from you so just have a nice life." I moved past him and walked out the front door. The sun was starting to sneak down the skyline as I crossed the parking lot to my car.
Zack's hurried footsteps came up behind me, "Layla, look, I want you to go out with me. A real date, I want to get to know you." I spun around and glared at him. He froze in his tracks, almost knocking me over. As his body made contact with me I let out a small grunt, "So you want a date? With me? In public?"
He moved away and nodded, "Yes. That's what I want. Let me take you out. We could go for supper and then a walk or something." I sighed, "Why?" Zack cocked his head to the side, "Because I think you are cool and I want to get to know you better."
"So you are looking for a booty call?" I snapped. Zack shook his head, "No! I just want to take a pretty girl I like out on a date. Why is that so suspicious?" I frowned, "It's suspicious because you spent our childhoods picking on me for being undesirable. You have to know I find it difficult to believe a single thing you say when that history is what I have to go on. People don't just change overnight."
Zack scoffed and ran his hand through his dark black hair, "Layla, I have to tell you, I always liked you. From like grade one, I thought you were so pretty, I always wanted to be your friend but with the cliques in highschool we may as well have been from two different worlds." I set my fists on my hips and bit my lower lip, "Oh really? So instead of being civil you pushed me into lockers everyday? That's so immature, the whole boy picks on the girl he likes theory. It's pathetic, Zack."
"I don't have a good excuse,I know I treated you badly when we were kids. I'm trying to apologize, I know it will never make up for it but I am very sorry for how I was to you. If I could take it back I would. All I'm asking for is a chance. Let me show you I can be good to you." he begged. I sighed and shook my head, "I'm not going on a date with you, Zack. So forget about it. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of standing me up somewhere."
He sighed and nodded, "Ok, I deserved that. I was hoping enough time had passed that maybe you could forgive me. I guess not, but I'll respect that." Zack turned and started to walk away. I don't know what possessed me to say it but I called after him, "But, if you want to sit with me at lunch time and eat that would be ok."
He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, he smiled, "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and turned back to my car. I watched Zack climb into the cab of his truck through my rear view mirror. He was smiling to himself and he did a little 'yes' gesture before he pulled out of the parking lot. I shook my head and pulled out of the parking lot after him to drive home. Mr. Fuzz greeted me at the door, demanding wet food and treats. I chuckled at my demanding feline companion as I set my things down next to the door.
After I fed my cat and ate supper I called Jackie to see how her mom was doing. We had a short visit as she had to go, her mom was having a particularly rough day. She had to miss work that day because of it. I told her I would bring over some homemade soup tomorrow after work. She was grateful for my gesture, I told her I would help her as much as I could. I wished she would just take the money I offered, I had more than enough and I would love to help her out. She was too proud for that though, at least for now.
The next day Zack joined me for lunch just like I had offered. Hannah and Lisa joined the table as well. They kept looking at me with suggestive eyes but I ignored their immaturity. Zack spent most of the lunch hour talking with my friends instead of me, possibly becuase I wasn't making a conversation between the two of us easy. From the corner of my eye I noticed Brock was at his usual table alone. It seemed that without Zack to eat with, no one else wanted to join him. There was a brief moment of satisfaction in that before I felt empathy for him.
"So, Layla, what are you doing after work today?" Zack asked me. I took out my fruit cup and opened it up, "I am making some soup for Jackie Wattash's mother. I've got to go to the Co-Op after work and pick up some stuff for it."
He pursed his lips for a moment, "That's nice of you to do." I shrugged, "She's a good friend of mine and her mom had a stroke last year. It's been hard on both of them because her mom can't take good care of herself anymore."
Hannah smiled, "Layla is a very good person, you know. When I had a terrible flu she bought me groceries and picked up my prescriptions." Lisa chuckled and teased, "Bitch, you've never done anything nice for me!" I smiled at her and giggled, "Well maybe it's because you always refer to me as 'bitch'." Lisa laughed out loud and nodded, "Ok, point taken."
"Anyway, I'm going to make homemade potato bacon soup for her. It will help out Jackie a great deal. We usually do some meal preparations together on the weekends for her mom but this week she just needs a little extra help." I told him. Zack didn't say anything but I could tell he was touched by my actions. He continued to eat his lunch with us, exchanging little antidotes with Hannah and Lisa. It wasn't awkward, it was easy.
The rest of the week was just like that. Everyday at lunch time Zack would join our table and eat with us. He would make casual conversation with Hannah and Lisa but always attempted to engage with me more. I didn't make it easy for him, but I had to admit I was warming up to him. Zack was a nice guy, I had learned. He had a good sense of humor and he liked to talk. I was surprised to learn I actually enjoyed his company.

Heavy Heart
RomanceAfter my overtime was done I clocked out and went to my locker. I changed out of my work coat and disposed of my hair net. As I left the ladies locker room there was a group of men outside in the lobby of the employee entrance. At the centre of i...