Chapter 21

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Morning came too soon and my alarm clock woke us up at 6am.  Zack groaned and rolled away from me in protest at the invasive sound. I chuckled and hit the snooze button. I told him, "I'm getting up. When it goes off again, it's up to you to turn it off."

I slowly pulled myself up from my bed and stretched my arms, shoulders and back. Zack huffed from his comfortable position, "Fine. I'll get up. Please tell me we have coffee." As I stood I nodded. His eyes were closed so I had to mutter, "Yes." Zack sighed, content with my answer.

As the coffee brewed I heard my alarm go off in the bedroom again, followed by an angry grunt and the sound of Zack's body slamming down on the mattress. I laughed to myself and called out to him, "Come on, baby, coffee will help." He groaned at me in protest from the other room. I rolled my eyes, "You promised Jackie. She will not be happy with you if you bail on her. Personally, I don't want to hear about it all day so you are going."

Zack muttered to himself as I heard him crawl out of my bed. I heard him stretch and moan, the occasional curse word slipped from his lips. I popped some bread into the toaster and shouted to him, "Come on boyfriend, I'm making you toast!"

At the mention of 'boyfriend', Zack dashed from the bedroom to the kitchen in his boxers. He crossed the distance between us, wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled down at me, "So I didn't dream that? You asked me to be your boyfriend last night?" I nodded and kissed his cheek softly, "Yes I did, and you said yes."

He lifted me up and spun me around in a circle. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. Zack whispered in my ear, "What changed your mind about our relationship? I thought you didn't like labels?"

As he set me down on my feet I kissed his lips quickly, "There is something about you that I adore. I don't know how to explain it, I just want you. I've never wanted to be a girlfriend before, but with you it feels natural. It's easy with you, and I like it." Zack pulled me into a tight hug and let out a sigh. He nodded against my shoulder.

The toast popped. I moved away from him to spread the butter and put the pile of bread on a plate on the table. Zack took out two smaller plates from my cupboard and set them down for us. We ate together quietly, him smiling at me. After a few minutes Zack finally said, "I am so happy I make you feel safe. I've been trying so hard to be whatever you need me to be."

I shook my head, "I don't want you to be someone you are not. What I like the most about you is your laughter, the way you look at me. The little things are what I like the most. I love your honestly, that is the best thing about you. Don't change for me or anyone else. You are perfect as is."

Zack smiled wide at me and nodded. I hadn't meant to use the word 'love' in describing him but it had slipped out. I let it hang in the air, knowing he had caught it. We hurriedly cleaned up our breakfast and filled two travel mugs to take with us to Jackie's mom's house. Before we climbed into our separate cars, Zack kissed my forehead and muttered, "Baby, I adore you too."

Jackie was on the front lawn of her mom's house directing traffic. She had Hannah and Lisa pulling boxes from the house into their cars. A couple of guys from the Co-Op were there to help her out as well. Both of them were younger than us, but I could tell they were interested in her.

When she saw us, Jackie came racing over to Zack's truck with a large smile, "Oh wonderful, a truck! Terry and Andrew, you can bring out the bedroom suite I showed you and load it into Zack's truck here!" The two young men nodded eagerly and ran into the house as ordered. I rolled my eyes, of course Jackie would be oblivious to their interest.

I climbed out of my car and started towards the house to pick up boxes. Zack talked with Jackie for a bit to figure out where he was taking her mother's things. Some of her things were going to Jackie's but most of it was going into storage. There was no sign of Brock. Hannah and I exchanged sleepy smiles as we crossed paths. Lisa had sunglasses on to cover up her hangover. I chuckled at her slightly.

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