"Layla, hey, I was wondering if you could stay after work today for some overtime? We are running a bit behind today." Trevor informed me. I smiled at him, "Sure I can do that. I have dinner plans though so I can't stay past 6pm."
Trevor nodded, "No worries, it will probably only be an hour or so. Thanks, Layla. You are always a team player." I blushed and nodded as I returned to my work. I had always liked Trevor, he was such a nice man. My crush on him had dissipated since I'd been spending time with Zack but I had to admit as he walked away, I checked him out.
I met with Zack after work to lend him my house keys. He frowned when I told him I'd accepted overtime, "But we have a date!" I rolled my eyes, "Yes and I'll be there for it. You can let yourself into my house and start making supper. You wanted to cook for me right? Wasn't that your whole plan?"
Zack took my keys and looked at me annoyed, "Yeah, but I thought we were going to hang out together while I did." I offered him a sweet smile, "I'll only be an hour or so. You might not even be at my place by the time I get off work. I'll see you soon, ok?" He nodded. I felt Zack watching me as I went back to work. I giggled to myself, what a silly man I thought.
The overtime ended up only being about forty-five minutes. I clocked out and headed out of the locker room when I met Trevor. He smiled at me, "Thanks for your help today again." I nodded and returned his smile, "Of course. Anytime." He held the exit door open for me, which I thought was very thoughtful.
Trevor walked with me to my car. He and I exchanged pleasantries and discussed the weather mostly. When we reached my car Trevor stood next to me, leaning against the hood. He was handsome, I examined his strong features and plump lips, he was making me think naughty thoughts. I ran my hand through my hair nervously, I realized Trevor was smiling at me. My breath caught in my chest for a moment before I said, "Well you probably should head home to your family. I'm sure they are waiting for you."
Trevor sighed heavily, "Actually, my wife and I separated about a month ago. We've had some problems for the last couple of years. So I'm living with my brother and his wife for now." My face fell, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
He shook his head, not making eye contact with me, "It's ok. It was a while coming. We are just very different people. I still see my baby girl all the time, that's what's most important right now." I nodded, "Of course, yeah. It's still rough though."
"It is. I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to anyone at work. I don't exactly want the whole factory knowing about my personal life." he muttered. I smiled, "Oh yeah, I get it. Trust me, relationship stuff is hard to hide in this place. Your secret is safe with me."
Trevor smiled, "Thanks Layla." He reached over and touched my arm softly. I hadn't expected it, but I didn't pull away. He studied my reaction for a moment before he pulled his hand away and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow."
I nodded and moved away to the driver's side of my car. Trevor walked past me to his own vehicle, glancing back at me as he did. I turned my head to hide my blushing face. I didn't want my supervisor to see the effect he had on me. I picked up my phone to let Zack know I was on my way home. He responded with a thumbs up.
By the time I returned home I found Zack had made a caesar salad, grilled chicken and mashed potatoes. It was a delicious looking meal, he even had my apron on when I came through the door. Zack had put out white wine and candles for the occasion. I smiled at him as I hung up my jacket, "Wow, you went all out didn't you?"
"You deserve it, baby. You take care of everyone else, so I wanted to make you a nice dinner." he told me as he poured wine into a glass for me. Mr. Fuzz rubbed himself on my legs and meows softly. Zack chuckled, "Don't let him fool you, I fed him right before you got home. He's just playing on your emotions."
I laughed out loud and picked up my cat, "Oh, are you manipulating momma?" Mr. Fuzz purred into my ear. I gave him a tight squeeze before releasing him and crossing the room to Zack. He pecked my lips softly and handed me my glass of wine.
As I took a sip, Zack asked, "So how was the overtime?" I shrugged, "It was alright. I had a visit with Trevor after work for a bit." I sat down at my plate and started to eat. Zack tensed up as he joined me. I didn't meet his eyes as he asked, "Oh? What did he want?"
"Just to talk really. Nothing specific." I knew I was fibbing but Trevor's life wasn't Zack's business. He had asked me specifically not to share his personal information with people who worked at the factory, and since Zack worked there I couldn't tell him anyway.
As we ate, Zack continued to ask about Trevor, "So you two are friends?" I shrugged, "As much as I'm friends with anyone I work with." That didn't seem to ease him at all, instead he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms, "I work with you! Are you friends with him like we are friends?"
My eyes shot up and I glared at Zack, "You don't own me Mister. I can be friends with whoever I want so you better tread carefully. We agreed that if either of us started dating anyone else we would talk about it. I believe that was your condition, and I agreed to it. I have absolutely no reason to hide things from you, Zack."
He sighed heavily and lowered his head, "Sorry, it just bothers me that he might be interested in you. I know we agreed to the conditions, sorry Layla." I shook my head, "There is nothing going on with me and Trevor. Though I won't lie to you, I am attracted to him and I always have been."
Zack's face went white, his eyes shot up to meet mine. I don't think he expected me to be so blunt, but I wasn't going to lie to him about that. He deserved to know how I felt about Trevor, especially if we were involved with each other. He slammed his fork into his mashed potatoes and shoved a pile of them into his mouth. He ate his meal like an angry toddler, scraping his cutlery over the plate.
As we finished our meal I sighed and took my plate to the sink, "You are acting like a child, Zack. Would you rather I lied to you about how I feel? Tell you that I don't like Trevor and keep you in the dark? We agreed to talk about things so I am talking and you are acting like I've cheated on you."
He remained silent, sitting at the table with his back to me. I shook my head, "If you aren't mature enough to handle this kind of relationship, then you need to figure it out soon. I'm not going to lie to you and hide things from you, that's not what we have going on here." Zack flinched slightly and stood up. He turned to me and shoved his hands into his pockets, "No, I can handle it, I'm just jealous ok. You can't expect me not to feel jealous, I'm human. I'm not perfect and I'm not going to pretend for you either. You know that I wanted to be exclusive with you so you can't be surprised that it would sting a little when you tell me you like someone else."
I frowned but nodded, it was true. He had been honest with his feelings so if I expected him to accept me as I was I needed to respect his feelings as well. It wasn't fair to him. I pulled Zack into my arms, "You are right. Sorry. I just don't want to lie to you. I care about you, and you deserve the truth."
He smiled down at me and rested his hands on my hips, "I care about you too, Layla." Slowly, Zack leaned forward and kissed me. It started off light but his touch became more demanding. His lips pressed into mine with passion. I let my hands tangle in his dark hair while his hands trailed back to squeeze my butt. I moaned into his mouth as we pulled each other closer and closer. The energy flowing between us was intensely intoxicating as we moved as one to my bedroom.

Heavy Heart
RomanceAfter my overtime was done I clocked out and went to my locker. I changed out of my work coat and disposed of my hair net. As I left the ladies locker room there was a group of men outside in the lobby of the employee entrance. At the centre of i...