Days turned into weeks and the weather started to cool off with the dawn of fall. Jackie had sold her mom's house and we were in the process of moving her into Jackie's place. Her mom wasn't much help with everything, she was usually in a bad mood about the whole thing. Jackie was exhausted and she was having a hard time with all the responsibilities. I did my best to help her out but a lot of the things that needed to be done I was unable to help with.
She sent me a text message one afternoon while I was on my coffee break at work. Jackie wanted to know if I knew anyone with a truck to help her move some larger furniture from one house to the other. Zack was sitting across from me, fiddling on his own phone. I glanced up at him and smirked, "Hey, do you think you could help my friend Jackie out this weekend with moving some furniture with your truck?"
He glanced up at me, "Of course." He made me smile, Zack was so simple and easy. He didn't make it complicated, he was just happy to lend a hand. I smiled and texted Jackie back that we could help out on Saturday. She was thrilled and thanked me profusely. I chuckled, "Jackie says 'thank you, thank you, thank you'."
Zack smiled and nodded, "Anytime baby. You are coming with me right? I mean, I know Jackie but not very well." I nodded, reassuring him that he wouldn't' have to help out my friend without me. Brock came over to join our table and sat down next to Zack with a thump, "Jackie? That girl who works at the Co-Op? She's hot!"
I rolled my eyes, "Yes Brock, my friend Jackie is moving her mother into her house this weekend." His eyes lit up, "You know her? I want to meet her! Can I come?"
I frowned at him, "Brock, you know her already. We all graduated together. You went to school with her for two years." His face fell, he looked confused, "No we didn't. I'd remember a hottie like her." I sighed, "She and I were always together. Do you remember a tall girl with braces and glasses? She had pretty bad acne back then, it didn't clear up until she was about twenty."
Brock's mouth dropped open, "Chicken neck? That's the girl who works at the Co-Op? No way!" I pursed my lips, "God you are an asshole. You don't even know her name, you just pick some stupid nick-name. Yes, that is my friend Jackie."
Zack chuckled, "Smooth, man. Good job." Brock smacked his shoulder and stared at me, "Layla, you have to help me out. I've been trying to meet her for ages. I would love to get to know her, is she single?"
I shook my head, "No way, Brock! You are the LAST guy I would introduce to my dearest friend. Besides, don't you have a few different girls on the line? Just go with one of them!" Zack laughed out loud at my statement. Brock sighed, "Girls from the bar don't count as relationships."
My stomach turned at the idea of Jackie and Brock together. He was such a player and she was way too kind and trusting to handle someone like him. Brock would use her and throw her away before Jackie even knew what had happened. There was no way in hell I was going to let that get too far. I glared at him, "What about you and Hannah? What happened to that?"
Brock's face fell and he stared down at the table between us, "She told me I wasn't what she was looking for, alright. It was embarrassing enough to be blown off by a girl in the first place." I cocked my head to the side and tried not to smirk, somehow knowing Hannah had shut him down filled me with petty satisfaction. I pushed it to the side and said, "Well, that doesn't mean all of my friends are up for grabs. You want to meet her, go and introduce yourself to her at the Co-Op. I can guarantee she remembers you, and you won't get very far."
Brock grunted, "That's not fair! High school was a long time ago! I'm different now." I rolled my eyes and shot back, "Really? Did you try to steal my lunch like a month ago? We are twenty-six now, what's your excuse for that?"
"That was a joke, jeez Layla. Come on." Zack shook his head, "No man, you reap what you sow. You and I both know that now." I smiled at him, he returned my smile with a soft wink. Brock rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up, Zack. You aren't helping."
Brock sighed before he stood up, "I've got a truck and I'll help out all day. Just think about it, Layla. I'd love to meet her, please think about it." He turned his back to us and left the break room to head back to work. My eyes followed him until he was out of earshot, "Yeah, Zack, he's not coming to help Jackie. No way. Not going to happen."
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "Alright, alright. I won't let him come. Relax." I frowned at him, "I'm serious, the last thing she needs is Brock Hansen coming in a fucking up her life. He would just cut and run, I'm not going to let him do that to her."
Zack smiled at me with kind eyes, "Layla, baby, she's a big girl. Trust me, Brock has already screwed up with her anyway, I mean, he doesn't even remember her from school. You've got nothing to worry about." I raised my eyebrows at him in a warning gesture, "I better not."
"Alright, I'll take care of it. Brock won't bother her. Relax baby." he whispered, his hands up in surrender. I nodded, "Alright, thank you." Zack and I stood up together and walked toward the break room door. He leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Want to have dinner tonight and a sleepover? I can cook."
I smirked at him, "Sure. Don't forget to bring your pajamas." He blushed slightly before nodding and turning to head back to his station. I watched Zack walk down the hallway, his hands in his pockets. He was such a cutie, I thought to myself. He turned back and caught me checking him out, he smirked and winked at me. I felt my face burn with embarrassment. I quickly turned around and rushed back to my station. When I got there, I found my supervisor waiting for me.

Heavy Heart
RomanceAfter my overtime was done I clocked out and went to my locker. I changed out of my work coat and disposed of my hair net. As I left the ladies locker room there was a group of men outside in the lobby of the employee entrance. At the centre of i...