Chapter 40

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It was midnight, Christmas Eve when it finally happened. I slipped out of my nightgown and left it next to the bed. Zack smiled at me as I beckoned him to the bed with my index finger. He shed all his clothes and met my lips first before the rest of our bodies tumbled together. I let myself fall back onto my bed, pulling his body with mine. Zack rested his upper body on his arms so as not to crush me. He kissed me and explored my mouth with his tongue, causing me to moan.

He pulled back for a moment and stared down at me, "Hello beautiful." I smiled and pulled his lips back to mine and I tangled my fingers into his hair. Zack positioned himself so his erection was at my entrance and slowly stroked me up and down. I was already very excited, I moved my hips to encourage him to enter me. He rested his forehead against mine, sucking in deep breaths as he eased himself inside. My breath hitched in my throat, I'd never felt so full in my entire life.

Nothing I had done before compared to the feeling of Zack inside me. I felt his breath on my skin as his hips rocked against mine. His member throbbed inside me, my insides trembled with excitement and desire for more. I wrapped my legs around his hips, trying to make him rock deeper. His movements sent shivers up and down my skin, everywhere.

"So soft, I can feel everything. You are my own personal heaven." he whispered, breathing hard into my ear. I moaned and nodded. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest as his breathing became more laboured. As we worked toward our ecstasy I lost myself in my feelings for him. Zack kissed me, pulled me as close as possible. He sent me over the edge with a loud whimper. Zack thrust gently a few more times until he shook and stilled his movements inside me. We continued to kiss as we came down. Our first official time together had been just like they say it is in the movies, which made me chuckle inwardly to myself.

"So, what do you think?" I asked playfully. Zack looked down at me and smirked, "I think we are going to do it again." I giggled uncontrollably as he flipped us around so I was on top. We made love over and over again late into the night.

The next morning we went to his mother's house early to make breakfast with her and open gifts. Tammy got me a sweater, some new socks and a gift certificate to get the oil changed in my car. I couldn't help but smile at the traditional 'parent gifts' she'd given me. She was thrilled with the puzzles, especially when I told her Zack and I would do them with her on Sundays.

I handed Zack his incredibly small package and he raised his eyebrows, "Did you get me a ring here, baby?" I rolled my eyes and told him to just open it. When he saw the earbuds he smiled wide, "Oh yeah! This is so awesome, baby! Thank you!" I reached into my pocket and handed him his other gift, "This is also for you. Something you can use everyday." Zack opened his hand and nodded. When he looked up at me his eyes were a little misty but he blinked it away. Zack took his keys from his pockets and slid the key to my house onto the chain. Tammy smiled softly, but pretended not to notice.

Zack pulled out a big bag from behind the Christmas tree with my name on it. I took out the tissue paper from the top and peeked inside. He'd gotten me a new, wool lined denim jacket. It was so nice and warm. I was so excited. There were some socks in the bag as well as another small bag inside that read, 'Mr. Fuzz'. I opened it up, Zack had bought him two bags of his favorite cat treats.

I pulled Zack into a hug and kissed him passionately. His mother chuckled, I felt Zack blush against my face. I smirked at him when I let him go. He cleared his throat before he announced, "Breakfast!"

Zack made us all eggs benedict with hashbrowns and toast for the three of us. Tammy was thrilled that Zack was becoming such a good cook. She told me he had never cooked until he met me. Zack shook his head, in an attempt to deny it but I smiled knowingly.

We'd been invited for Christmas supper at Jackie's. At 3pm the three of us got into my car and headed over. Brock was outside shoveling the walk way when we arrived. It was obvious he was making sure Tammy wouldn't fall, which I thought was very considerate. Zack helped his mother into the house while I went straight to the kitchen to give Jackie a hand. The guys stayed in the living room with the mothers, out of the way.

"Merry Christmas!" Hannah's voice rang through the house from the front door. I crossed the kitchen, down the hall to the living room to see Lisa and Hannah walk through the door. Lisa helped Hannah take off her coat and hung it up in the front entry closet. I moved up to Hannah and wrapped her up in a hug. She returned it.

I whispered into her ear, "Merry Christmas, Hannah." She didn't say anything but as we pulled apart Lisa took her hand and kissed it affectionately. Hannah smiled at her and leaned her head against Lisa's shoulder. It was the sweetest moment.

"Layla, don't you dare leave me alone! Why does it look like that?!" Jackie shouted from the kitchen. The living room erupted in laughter as I rushed back to the kitchen, hoping I wasn't entering a disaster zone. Luckily Jackie was just confused about why the stuffing was coming out of the bird. We hadn't laced it up tight enough. After we fixed it, Jackie sighed, "Stupid bird." I chuckled and nodded, "My feelings exactly."


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