Chapter 5

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The meat packaging plant was in full swing by the time I got to work. I clocked in quickly and went to my station. We had big orders to fill so Trevor was making his rounds reminding us to go as fast as possible while still maintaining safety standards. I think there was going to be overtime that day, which didn't matter to me. I'd happily do some more overtime, it all went into a separate savings account I had made for a trip to Mexico. I just tuned out the sounds around me and kept putting my chicken wings in the trays.

When the lunch bell rang I grabbed my bag from the cooler and went to the break room. I sat with Lisa and Hannah, who were already talking about Sarah's weekend hook-up. Hannah wrinkled her nose as she ate her sandwich, "I can't believe she went home with a guy she didn't know. He could have anything."

Lisa chuckled, "You are such a prude, Hannah. Like you never slept with a guy you didn't know." Hannah looked at her with a horrified expression on her face, "I haven't! That is dirty!"

I filled my face with my wrap to keep from smiling too wide at their exchange. Hannah frowned at Lisa, "I've never done that, nor would I ever. It's gross. That's how rumors get started, Lisa!"

"What does it matter who she sleeps with? It's none of our business." I muttered. Lisa nodded as she opened her fruit cup, "Exactly. It's our job as her friends to take her to the clinic when she gets hepatitis." Hannah gagged, which caused Lisa to unleash a loud cackle. I shook my head and giggled.

Lisa, who was sitting across from me, let her smile fall as her eyes focused on someone standing behind me. I turned to see Zack there, holding his lunch bag in one hand, his hand rubbing his neck awkwardly with the other, "Good afternoon ladies, would you mind if I joined you."

"Yes we would." I said matter-of-factly. Hannah cleared her throat while Lisa just stared at him. Zack's face turned red, "It's just lunch, Layla. There is nowhere else to sit."

I looked around the break room and noticed Brock had an empty seat next to him three tables away. I pointed to it, "I think your bestfriend is saving you a seat." Zack looked away, then back to me, "I'm sorry about Friday alright. Can I just join you, please?"

I frowned at him and muttered, "Why do you want to sit with us, Zack?" He didn't answer, he just shuffled his feet side to side and stared at the ground. Lisa took pity on him and offered Zack her seat, she stood up, "Come on Hannah, we need to go to the bathroom." Hannah let Lisa pull her way from our table. Zack looked nervous as he opened up his bag and took out two sandwiches and opened up the plastic wrap carefully. We sat together in silence. I nibbled on my carrot sticks and scrolled through my phone.

"So, how was your weekend?" Zack asked me. I glared at him, "What are you up to? Seriously? What do you want?" He sighed and set his sandwich down, "I have been trying to apologize for Friday but you won't let me. I want to say that I should have said something to Brock when it happened."

I took out my scone and broke off a piece, "So what makes Friday so special? You and your friends have been making fun of my weight since elementary school. Brock and you used to steal my pudding cups and tell me I was too fat to have them. You used to push me into my locker in high school and tell me it didn't hurt because I had enough extra padding. Nothing was special about Friday, it was tame compared to what you two used to say to me when we were younger."

Zack looked at me, he seemed to be embarrassed by his own behaviour. I let my words hang in the air around us for a few moments before I continued, "Look, if it makes you feel better then it's fine. I'm over what Brock said on Friday. Whatever. Now, will you just leave me alone?" He looked saddened by my request, he muttered, "I forgot I pushed you into the lockers. That was mean."

I chuckled, "No shit it was mean. I was there, I remember it well." Zack sighed and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Layla." I rolled my eyes, "Ok, fine. Thanks. Are we done now?" He didn't say anything, he just looked into my eyes and forced a sad smile.

I was so preoccupied with Zack's apologizing, I hadn't noticed Brock came up next to him at the table, "Hey man, why are you sitting with the walrus? Did you not pack enough lunch so you need some of her's? Remember how we used to liberate your desserts in elementary school? Say, what do you have in there today?" Brock reached his hand over to my scone and tried to take it but Brock grabbed his hand and roughly pushed it away, "Leave Layla alone. I think we've done enough for her over the years."

"Is that your name? It doesn't suit you, it's too pretty." Brock shot at me. I glared at him, "You know, Brock, for a guy who thinks so highly of himself you spend a lot of time trying to knock me down. Perhaps you need a hobby." He muttered something unkind and turned to Zack, "So, are you coming outside with me for a walk or are you staying here with the blob?"

Zack frowned at his friend and shook his head, "Her name is Layla, and I'm staying here. You don't have to be such a dick to her, you know." Brock scoffed, turned his back and shuffled out of the break room. I continued to eat my scone and not make eye contact with the man across the table from me.

"You don't deserve that. I'm sorry." he whispered. I shrugged but didn't look up, "It doesn't matter. I'm used to being treated like a second class citizen by guys like you." Zack cleared his throat, "I'm not like him, Layla."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Alright Zack, sure you aren't. Whatever makes you sleep at night. I'm going back to work, see you later." As I stood up he caught my wrist, "Listen, um, would you like to go out with me sometime?"

"Huh?" I asked. I wasn't sure I heard him correctly. Zack sighed, "Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?" I stared at him for a moment, "I think I'll pass. See you around, Zack."

I pulled my wrist from his grasp and moved toward the doorway. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked. As I left the room I exhaled a breath I had been holding. Hannah and Lisa were nowhere to be found, so I made my way to my locker then back to my workstation to finish the orders we had for the day. Just as I had suspected there was going to be overtime, I was pleased, it meant more cast in my Mexico account. 

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