Your Body, A Masterpiece [NSFW Content]

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TW: nsfw content/smut (minors dni!), canonverse levi, feminine words used to describe the reader (wife, mother, motherhood, etc.) and female anatomy is used. potentially OOC Levi lmao. wee bit of dirty talk, tons of body worship, levi is soft in the bedroom in this one. Reader talking down on their body (calling themselves ugly, big, soft, etc.) Levi being blunt. Oral, missionary, pretty standard procedure sex... I think that's it? Let me know if I missed anything. If you're looking for hot sex, this is the wrong place - this is more emotions-focused. It's definitely smutty, but i can deffo write smuttier, lmao.

This is part of my dadvi series! [i also wrote this half asleep w/ hardly any proofreading lmao. i'll edit it tomorrow or smthn but right now it's 1AM.]

[shameless plug - please check out my Levi x OC  fanfic. would really love to update it again when the engagement gets better!]


It was late enough when Levi arrived home from the headquarters, approaching eight in the evening.

The house you two had was small, but it was cozy. It was at the end of a cul-de-sac, a ten minute horse ride from headquarters. Ivy had forked out in every direction of the house and the vines hung precariously over the front door. He walked his horse into the stables of your house and fed his horse before turning back to the small front garden. The lilies and lavenders in the window sill pots were standing to attention in the light of the fading sun; you must have watered them recently. He peered through the window of your shared house and noticed the amber light coming from the kitchen and everything inside him perked up.

This was what you had done; you were there to provide a sense of excitement every evening when he was finished with paperwork and training.

To have gone so long in his life without having a home to return to, or even having a real house of his own.

It was everything a man could ask for.

Not to mention his beautiful three month old daughter, Isabel.

As he opened the front door of the house, he could hear you trying to shush your child into a slumber. He saw you pacing back and forth and he could hear the exhausted breaths of your child from across the kitchen; she must have been crying for a while now. When you heard the sound of Levi removing his forest green cloak, you turned around.

"Oh, Levi," you murmured, softly, now holding your daughter over your shoulder.

Levi immediately glided over and took the child from your arms. He wasn't used to shushing or calming down the baby - you and him both knew that while you were on maternal leave from the Survey Corps, you'd probably be spending the most time with the baby - but he was getting used to it.

"Is she okay? Has she eaten?" he asked as he shifted his weight from one leg to another, creating a little bounce. The baby wriggled in his arms, noting that her mother wasn't holding her anymore. "Agh, I know, little one." Levi was quick to surrender, not wanting all your hard work to vanish and passed the child back to you.

"Yeah, it's wind down time now for her. Isn't that right, Isabel?" you cooed. Your eyes always lit up talking to your baby girl, but there was something else there too.

Levi noted something akin to exhaustion in your eyes. While motherhood suited you, he noticed a not-so familiar dark cloud hanging over you these days. He was trying not to broach you about it; Hange told him that becoming a mother can have a huge toll on a person mentally just as well as physically. If it was just a bit of exhaustion, he didn't need to worry too much and he just had to make time to help more.

He also didn't want to put you in an uncomfortable position to talk about things when your mind was so preoccupied with child-minding. Your mind was elsewhere and he knew this because whenever he went to touch you - even just a soft rub on the arm or a kiss on the forehead - you'd stiffen up and freeze.

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