Just for this Night

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Warning: Angsty fluff & slight spoilers. Okay, so this is like... reader and Levi are more than friends but not entirely there yet. (I have no idea.) 

(This is not the best tense (I even change tense in the start) in the world to write something like this, so sorry for any confusion and/or mistakes)) 


[F/n] was sitting alone in the little hut's kitchen. Not for long anyway. Levi opened the door after talking to Hange outside before and made his way inside. Once the two made eye contact, she pushed her chair out and walked down the cramped hallway.

Levi muttered a curse to himself. He wasn't sure if she heard him or not but that didn't matter.

He had given her space, what he thought was needed, but she wasn't taking the news so well.

She was one of the lucky ones to make it back from the 57th expedition. However due to trauma and injuries, she was left in a comatose state, unaware of what was going on around her.

She wasn't able-bodied at the time to see her own squad fall; she was unconscious in the meantime, Levi coming to her rescue in the very end of the dreaded expedition. Therefore, she found out the hard way when she woke up to see most of the 104th staring at her. She may not have been in charge of this squad nor did she have anything to do with the old Special Operations Squad, but she had bonded with Levi over the years and in turn got to know his squad quite well.

She also found out about Erwin's arm, along with Mike, Nanaba and many others who lost their lives during this time.

She was grateful she didn't have to have to see them. But she was given all of this news at one sitting; she was having trouble accepting it all.

She probably didn't know what to do with all of those feelings bottled up inside of her. It's wasn't like her to hold them all in; she can be quite emotional. It's not like these feelings were getting tossed aside though or collecting dust.

Overwhelmed is how she feels.

Levi limps back to his room. He hears the hot water from the nasty shower running and assumed it was her - no one else is up... No one really likes that shower either.

Levi was buttons up another shirt for bed when he hears the door open. Her hair is gathered back into a ponytail, sopping wet, clutching a towel.

"Hey..." she says, voice just above a whisper, "Hange said you left something in here for me?"

It doesn't take Levi two seconds to tell that that is a lie. That was her excuse... to see him, perhaps?

"What do you need, [f/n]?" he asked, distantly.

The truth is, she doesn't know why she came to just him. Of all people, he cannot really help people. That's what he thinks. He has his own way of making people feel better, but it certainly wasn't done verbally.

"Toss me the towel." He orders. He orders her with his eyes to sit before him on his bed as he wordlessly dried her hair and she lets out a sigh of either relief or she just enjoys the closeness. It almost felt like he does this all the time since he didn't protest or seem to protest. But in fact, this is a definitely first. It's the first time he can recall drying someone's hair for one, but also as a way of simply being there for a person? He knows that he's not usually the best at comforting people, but if drying her hair seems to work then he would carry on.

Once finished, he throws the damp towel at to the end of the room by the door. She stands up at the same time he does before returning to his desk to do paperwork - one of the many banes of his life.

Levi x Reader Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now