Ebony Hell

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I know what some of you might be thinking, 'But, Kirsty, Levi is insomniac as well.' Well, idk, shhh....

Warning: This oneshot talks/deals with insomnia/anxiety/PTSD/GAD. Don't read if such topics make you uncomfortable.


Levi walked out of his office and back into the Mess Hall. His paperwork in hand, he sat sound at the wooden table, adjacent to where the bespectacled brunette was sitting. "Oi, Four Eyes, where's [L/n]?"

"In the lab, she said she wants to research some things...I don't know, really," she responded, nonchalantly. Levi was in the middle of drinking his tea when he placed his cup down on the saucer again. He glowered at her. "Aye, what's with the look, Shorty!?"

"This is like her fourth day in the lab in a row. I'm just concerned about her well-being...I mean, who knows what you have in that lab..." Levi remarked.

Hange brought the palm of her hand up to her mouth to stifle her laughter. She turned around upon noticing Erwin had walked into the Mess Hall also. Erwin corked a brow, slightly alarmed at her ecstatic grin. He gave a 'what the hell happened?' look to Levi, to which he shrugged at.

"Levi has a girlfriend and he's worried about her~!" she sang.

Levi was pouting. "She is not my girlfriend. I'm worried because she's hasn't left that lab of yours for four days."

"Lies!" Hange exclaimed.

"You're full of shit."

"You're full of lies!"

Erwin sat down in the chair next to Levi, pouring himself a cup of tea. "I'm with Levi on this one, Hange. What goes into the lab doesn't come out..."

Levi sat up straighter than before, feeling a shiver run down his spine at that comment. The raven haired man sank back into his chair yet again before muttering, "You're a creepy guy..."

Erwin shrugged, bringing the cup to his lips. "I get told that a lot."

Levi sighed, beginning to jot a few things down as he did paperwork.

Only a few days ago was Eren taken into custody of the Survey Corps. 'Titan Freak' was his name, instead of Eren according to Levi...Although, that name also accounted for Hange in his mind.

He was persistent in a positive way so to speak; he was eagerly awaiting his orders from his superiors. It was annoying to some extent, particularly to Levi. Maybe he thought that kissing up on his superiors would earn him some respect.

Tough chance.

"Where is that fucking Titan shit?"

"Right here," Hange responded, nonchalantly.

Levi snorted, partially out of annoyance but also wry amusement. "No, the other Titan shit." He emphasised.

"Oh...he might be with [F/n] in the lab," Hange replied, puffing a bit of air, resting her hands atop her stomach.

Levi sighed, rolling his eyes before getting up and walking in the direction towards the lab. 'I guess I have to spare her of her misery before she absolutely loses it...' he noted.


[F/n] was sitting down at the desk in Hange's lab. Meanwhile, Eren was sitting roughly a metre away from her. She asked a simple question, since they were in need of information: 'what is happens to you when you turn into a Titan?'

But no, she was getting an essay on everything that happened at Trost. Absolutely everything he could remember and anything that he was informed of. [F/n] was massaging her temples at the moment-he wasn't half way finished yet.

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