A Death in London [final] [unedited]

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Levi walked up to the altar and eyed everyone in the church. The organ music and the choir stopped singing or playing as soon as they spotted him.

He let out a few small but chesty coughs before speaking. "... Well... for those of you who don't know me, my name is Levi Ackerman. As a mortician, I don't normally do this, but this is different... Very different."

His face may have read a blank but he could already feel his resolve becoming brittle. He contained it, though, and let out a tempered breath.

"Lady [f/n] [l/n] was born in 1868, in London. Her father was founder of a magnificent clothing line and in turn met her mother.

As a daughter to two nobles, she had a very privilged upbringing. Much of her childhood was spent with her lady-in-waiting, playing the piano or reading.

Her father passed away when she was a little girl, but I believe she had no notable memories of him. Her mother died around half a year ago. It was then when she approached me and asked me to "dress" her mother. She kindly offered to pay me handsomely but I saw no need for it. I already knew that she was a lovely woman. It was shortly after this when she asked to assist me in my job and when I discovered her true poise, beauty and her kind-hearted self."


"Did you know that you snore like a pig?" And that was when Lady [f/n] woke propped herself up, the two of them knew it.

It was a cold, foggy Tuesday morning. Today was going to be an unproductive day. As she began to sat up, she clutched the wrinkly sheets to cover her bare chest.

"No, I did not know that."

Levi turned onto his side and she laid down with him again. He draped the sheets over her again before wrapping his arm around her, as if she was made of china.

Maybe she was, to him.

"It's fucking annoying."

"You curse like a shitty sailor." She teased.

It was at moments like these when Levi had no intention on keeping up this act of his and he laughed. "My dear, what horrible language for a lady like you. I think you might be spending too much time down here." He joked.

"Please, I've never enjoyed myself so much before in my life."

Which was true. She was surrounded by his warmth and locked in his arms. Kind of, anyway. She knew one thing: she didn't want to leave. She didn't want his touch to leave her body, not for a while at least.

Levi quirked a brow and let his whole body slacken at this. He never knew he had this much of an effect on her life. She mustn't have known how much of an effect she had on his life either. Or maybe she did; he just rarely showed it.

Last night - and like these other nights - was different. For someone so hard and cold, she never would have expected his own touch to be so gentle and caring. His leg was carelessly thrown over her own and he held her as if she was a new born infant.

As if he didn't want to let her go.

Why I couldn't leave her go? She can't go...

"Well, my lady, what would you like to do today?" He asked her. At this, she snorted. He batted her forehead, a pout tugging at his lips. "What was that for?"

"Sorry," she chuckled. "It's not like you to ask me. It's usually more like, 'Come with me."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Is there anything you'd like to do? I heard De Sarasate is playing today, if you're interested--"

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