Christmas Lights

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Note: I'm never good at these pure fluffy ones, so I'm sorry if it disappoints. These are just some moments where Levi has to put up with the reader's excitement for Christmas! (A bit early... pfft)


"Levi!" the [h/c] haired woman pestered. Levi didn't even have the time to let out a groan for he was tugged away to the end of the aisle. "Look at these ones, aren't they beautiful?"

She was pointing towards large set of fairy lights that would run along the outside of one's house. They shone a very light shade of yellow. They were the "shitty kind of lights that makes anything look like Christmas has shat on your doorstep" type of lights, according to Levi.

"[F/n], Christmas is four weeks away," he reminded, suppressing a groan. "And I'm not spending that much money on some stupid lights."

"Yes, but we're the only people in our avenue who haven't put up a Christmas tree." She complained. She stuck out her bottom lip like a child.

"Stop acting like a six year old, please."

She huffed a sigh and walked back to their shopping cart. She wrapped her scarf her neck and brought the cart up to him before stepping beside him.

She looked pretty down over his lack of enthusiasm and the way he just shot her down. Shit, he said to himself, it's just hard for me to get that excited so--

He lost his train of thought upon feeling an impact in the side. Nothing too hard or that would cause severe pain, but he couldn't ignore it either. He had to admit, she had a good punch. Or it was her hip, he never got the chance to look.

He grimaced a small bit before rubbing it. "Care to explain why you did that, you idiot"

"Now we're even, you grinch." She said with a cocky smirk.


The fire sparked a few embers in the background while Levi sat with his elbows hitched to his knees, flicking through the channels on their television. He was also trying to read the newspaper, but the blaring television didn't help. Once he heard a familiar film being advertised, he called for his girlfriend to come in.

"[F/n], one of your favourite Christmas movies is on."

A few seconds later, he heard the familiar pair of footsteps scuffle against the living room's carpet. She had her hair done in a bun and she had her fingers wrapped around a mug of tea.

"Don't tell me you came prepared."

"Well, luckily, I just made myself some tea. Elf is on after all!" she chimed. "I am very flattered that you remembered."

"What a kid," Levi smirked. "Only because you say it every damn year."

Levi sat down on the couch and patted the empty space beside him. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she shuffled up to him and sat down. She felt his arm snake around her neck.

Of course, a very famous quote from the movie soon repeated itself: "The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear." It always made her chuckle.

"Do not start singing," Levi whispered. "Please."

She pouted. "But it's almost here, it really is this time."

"We're only eight days into December," he said. He smirked again. "Try to contain yourself."

After the little while, all chatter ceased between them and Levi felt her muscles slacken a bit. He leaned over and noticed that she had fallen asleep against his chest. Has the excitement worn you out already?

Levi x Reader Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now