Just You

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A bit like 'Christmas Lights' in the sense that it's a collection of moments, but these ones have a purpose. And yes, I mention Elf again in this oneshot because Buddy the Elf gives me life. 

Also, please listen to the piece attached. 


Christmas Eve had rolled once again and everyone was in high spirits. Fairy lights were connected from building to building, there was an enormous and colourful tree standing tall in the middle of the city and people were bustling about as they did some last-minute shopping.

"Levi, don't move the ladder." [f/n] warned as she leaned over the tree. She just had to put the finishing touch on the Christmas tree: the golden star. As she descended the ladder, the two stepped back and marvelled at the tree.

The main lights were off as the fairy lights illuminated the room with their pale gold. Every ornament was where it was supposed to be and the red and gold complemented each other perfectly.

"It's... lovely."

[f/n] was very pleased with that breathy response from her boyfriend. Christmas was a hard time of year for the short man, for it brought back some upsetting memories when he was small. It took ages for him to tell her exactly why.

"I've never heard those two words escape your mouth, ever," she remarked. He shrugged in response. "Come on, I want this year to be great! And I still have Christmas shopping to do... oops."

No need to make a fuss, it's totally fine every year.


Levi and [f/n] were bundled up with scarves, gloves and thick winter coats. Levi was beside her as [f/n] gripped onto the railings as if her life depended on it.

Levi shook his head, a tiny smile curling at his lips. "You can trust me, you idiot, I won't let anyone slice your fingers off," he assured.

The two were ice-skating in the rink that was set up for the festive month. It wasn't too packed considering how popular it usually is. [f/n] was just having some trouble with... not letting go. Levi seemed to be a natural at this, having done a few laps and the odd spin here and there.

"Easy for you to say, you're good at everything!" she retorted. Levi held out his hand for her, growing more impatient.

"Come on, you dragged me out here and it's pissing raining outside as well. Just take my hand." He gestured, slowly advancing towards her. He grabbed her forearm and tugged her away from the wall. "Well done," he commented, sarcastically as he clapped slowly, "you're a staggering two feet away from the railing, how do you feel?"

He didn't give her a chance to answer as he pulled her along. If he wasn't, well, himself, he would have burst into laughter. That didn't mean he wasn't laughing on the inside. Her face had wrinkled up so much and she didn't contribute to the movement at all; she wasn't even skating, Levi was tugging her along.

"You're heavy when I have to pull you about as if you're some two year old." He remarked.

"I could die and that's what you say to me?"

He shook his head and she quieted down a bit. Slowly but surely, she relaxed to the point where Levi felt she was comfortable enough for him to let go. He continued to skate slowly behind her.

"You big baby, you're doing it now, aren't you?"

Her lips were clamped shut as she skated with extreme caution. Her eyes were wide with fear. As he sensed her losing her balance and was about to topple over, he was quickly behind her again and had his arms around her shoulders to secure her.

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