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tw: canonverse setting, descriptions of painful labour, levi being a smartass to Hange, Eren, and anybody who makes any noise, levi getting soft at his daughter being born, and maybe a bit of OOC-ness? i don't know. reader being referred to as she/her/various feminine titles (wife) by other people, but otherwise written in second person narrative

{i'd like to reiterate like in my last dadvi oneshot: i have never been pregnant before. i tried researching as much as possible beforehand, but i may have made a few mistakes or i may not have done this justice.}


You turned your head at the sound of the door and almost immediately, you felt the wintery gust flood through the narrow hallway of your house. You sucked in a breath, but you quickly smiled. After all, your husband had returned to your cosy cottage.

He shut the door behind him, and you saw him lean his head against it, heaving a great sigh. You frowned at how he almost always needed those few seconds to just process everything in his head before turning to face you. You instinctively brought a hand down to your swollen tummy - was this a good decision after all? Having a baby in these troubling, turbulent times?

But then he turned around again to face you and his face was illuminated by the amber-coloured light of the oil lamp. He saw you stirring the steaming pot of stew and his steely gaze softened immediately.

He smiled.

Don't be silly, you chastised yourself for such thoughts, he's happy with us.

Of course he was. He could calm down instantly looking at you. He walked over and shrugged off his forest green cloak and placed it on the counter next to you. War-torn hands reaching out and cupping your cheeks, he pressed his lips to your forehead. You felt his calloused thumbs rub against your temples and you leaned into his touch. Immediately his hands fell to your tummy and rubbed in circles.

"Dinner smells good," he whispers softly against your lips, "how was your day?"

Dinner did smell good; nothing could beat some beef stew after a long day with your cast iron kettle hanging over the fire, right? He couldn't wait until your bellies were filled and he could cosy up with you in front of the fire with a cup of black tea in his hand.

Your smile grew wider when he sank to his knees and nuzzled against your tummy. You were probably going to give birth in the next week or two. You lowered your right hand and allowed it to tread through his raven locks, your other hand still stirring to prevent any sticking to your pot.

"Eh..." you huffed out.

Levi pulled back for a bit. "Had an 'eh' day myself... What's troubling you?"

"Just very crampy today and my back is killing me. Why did you have an 'eh' day?"

You almost laughed when you heard Levi's heavy sigh, and it was a long sigh too. He closed his eyes as he recounted the disaster at HQ but... what with the amount of grief Levi had been through, there was very little that could faze him now.

Still, when he recounted to you that Hange accidentally launched one of their new projects - a thunder spear - into HQ and close to his office at that - while he was drinking his tea! - obviously he would be pretty livid. All that was destroyed in the fires of the aftermath were two bedrooms and a storage room, and thankfully no lives were lost, but he wasn't going to forgive Hange for a while after this. You had to give him credit for his composure.

"I miss Hange, even in spite of these incidents." You spoke.

You hadn't seen Hange since you were discharged by Erwin at three months. Well, you had waved at her in the streets when you did your shopping for you and Levi and you might converse briefly, but she was always too busy to stop by for a chat. She did, however, say she'd be present for the birth.

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