chapter 4

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Before starting the chapter, I just want to thank you all for 700+ reads in such a small time.
It means a lot to me.
Thank you so much <3


Insisting that guy was so hard!
I am a soon-to-be doctor, it's my duty to cure patients no matter what.
I just did my job.

And this so called rude arrogant guy!
He was not agreeing at all!
Doesn't he feel a bit pain? He didn't even flinch a bit while I was cleaning his wound.

My entire concentration was on his knuckles while, his was on me.

Is there something on my face?

I cleaned the wound and immediately backed off, making him jerk a little.

"It's done."

"Okay." Wait... I expected a thank you at least! This stupid bastard doesn't even have some greeting manners.
I hummed in response and turned to walk away but he held my wrist suddenly making me about to slip.

What do you people expect?

"I was about to fall, but he held my by my waist and we had an eye lock."

Note the sarcasm.

This is not what happened.

I fell down.
On the floor.
It hurts.

I was on the floor now, while that rude Mr. was laughing like mad.
He pulled me back that caused me to fall suddenly and he's laughing.

I am loosing my patience,
I won't mind hitting him hard.

I ignored his laugh and got up.
I was about to slap him for this disgusting thing, I guess he understood what I was about to do.

He suddenly stopped laughing and held my hand which was about to hit his cute face.

Shut the fuck Adriti! Can't you control your hormones?!

He held my hand and pulled me around causing pain in my arms.

I squealed in pain.

"What the hell! It's paining! Leave me."

"Don't dare to do that again." He said and left.

I cupped my arms that still pained.

He was such a jerk.

I helped him, and that's what I get.
I stormed to Manasvi's office and pushed the door without any warning.
That same guy was sitting there with a few more men.

I saw him with anger.


I played these words in my head and inhaled a deep breathe.

"I am going Manasvi." I said and she nodded.

I hurriedly went outside and took a taxi.

All that my head wandered was that curly-haired guy.
He was handsome.
But he hurted me.

Why are hot guys such jerks!

Ignoring these thoughts which certainly I couldn't, I pulled my earphones out of my bag.
God, why are they always so tangled!
It just irritates the hell out of me.

I finally untangled my earphones after an eternity, finally!! The journey from the clinic to my house has ended up in just untangling my earphones

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I finally untangled my earphones after an eternity, finally!!
The journey from the clinic to my house has ended up in just untangling my earphones.

I was in front of my house.
I paid the taxi driver and started heading inside.
I got inside and saw my dad very tensed.
What has happened?

"What happened Dad?" I asked and patted his back.

"Nothing Adi, you go upstairs... Nothing to worry about.
Just a little business loss." He said with a smile on his face.

I guess I should give him some space right now.
I smiled back and went upstairs not before pecking his cheeks and making him smile more.

I can't see my parents upset! It just makes my chest pain.

I headed upstairs and lied down on my bed.
I recalled all the incidents that happened today, once again I couldn't get that Mr. Rude out if my head.
Even though he tried to hurt me.
Trust me he looked dangerous when he was angry, he looked like those so-called Mafia kings I saw in movies.
I chuckled at this thought which was definitely lame.
He can't be the MAFIA'S KING after all.

Soon, it was night and sleep took over me not before completing my homework and gossiping with Manasvi.


Little did she know, it wasn't lame.


To be continued....

That's it for this chapter!
Sorry for not giving yesterday's night update.
I was really very exhausted!

Interesting parts coming on the way ;-)

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Deciding the best comment is so hard! Each of your comments are so overwhelming 🥺💘

Stay safe and wear a mask 😷❤

Love 💛✨

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