chapter 5

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Chapter • 5

Abir's POV

I was still staring her face like a fool,
I didn't notice that she has cleaned my knuckles and stepped back suddenly making me a bit jerked.

What the hell was I just doing!?

"It's done." She said

"Okay" I said and I could see that she expected a thank you.

I never say thank you not I apologize to anyone.

So, there's no way I am giving her a THANK YOU THING.

She hummed and turned to leave, I don't know what came into my mind but I just pulled her back, due to this sudden pull she fell down.


Gotcha say, she looks cute when she's mad.

She stood up suddenly and turned to slap me, which I understood faster than the speed of light.

Obviously, I would, I am a mafia leader I know what our opponent is gonna do.
But she is a small girl, yet she has the guts to slap me.

Maybe because she doesn't know who I am.

No matter why, what, how and whatever.
No one can even dare to do that to me.
Anger rushed in my veins and I held her hand which was in the air, just about to come in contact with my handsome face.

"Obsessive much? Yeah!"

I held her hand and turned her around making her squeal in pain.

"Leave me it's paining."

"Never do that to me again." I said and left.

I have never forgiven anyone this much easily, but why did I do this time?
I don't know what's happening?!
But, I feel guilty.

This is the first time I've ever felt guilty.
Why so?

I don't know it myself.

After making sure my every team member is alright, we head back to our Mansion.

[ Abir's mansion ]

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[ Abir's mansion ]

The place was big enough to have an my team members in.
This was the house my mom designed, she wanted to have a house like that.
She wanted me to be in a place like this with my life partner.
Which certainly I don't agree to.

I've met a lot of girls, but all of them drolled over my money and power.
They would do whatever I said, not having their self-respect.
That's the thing I hate the most.
People not having self-respect.

Just then my thoughts once again went to that girl I've met.

She was not like others, I need to say.
She had self-respect, maybe she won't hesitate doing the same thing other women does knowing who I am.

Jerking the thoughts we went inside and did the normal routine.


Next day~

"Arrange a meeting with Mr. Sharma." I said.

"Okay sir, when?"

"Right now."

"Sir, but-"

"Wanna get killed I guess?" I said with a warning tone while he nodded.

He's been given a lot of warnings already.
This Sharma needs to know who I am.

After contacting him, he came back.

"Sir, he said he's at his home-" I cut him off.

"Get a few men and Ansh with me. We are going to his house."

He knew there was no point of arguing with me until he wants his throat to be ripped off.
He nodded and left.

Let's TALK to Mr. Sharma, I guess you must have understood what do I mean by THE TALK.

if so, you're paying a great attention to this story.

*evil smile*


To be continued....

Okay!! So, a lot of you have already guessed what's gonna happen!
And its kinda half truth too!
I am personally so excited to write the further parts!!

Hope you enjoyed,
If so....
Vote and comment!

Best comment on the previous part ~


All the comments were so overwhelming ❤🥺

Stay safe and wear a mask 😷❤


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