• 23 Focus Abir

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Chapter • 23

Adriti's POV

I woke up as I felt someone's got breathe on me.

I could feel my body in contact with warmth.

It can be the blanket...


A blanket doesn't breathe.
A blanket doesn't wrap it's arms around you.

Fuck, Blanket doesn't have an arm.

I opened my eyes with a jerk and found myself laying in ABIR'S ARMSSSS!!!!








Our faces were so freaking close.
I looked at his face,
He was sleeping peacefully making soft snores.

He slept carelessly.

He looked cuter, main thing... He did not looked like the same cold and rude mafia Leader.

This version of him is pretty.

I didn't even realize I was staring him for so much time, suddenly he opened his eyes and held a smirk on his face.

If you forgot, we were still cuddling.

"Enjoying the view ha? Take a picture in your phone, it would last long." He said all of the sudden making me shift my gaze around the room.
My cheeks ran red in embarrassment...
I have to give him a comeback.

"My phone would melt due to your ugliness." I said and grinned, not forgetting to wear a smirk.
While he just stared at me numbly.

I am so freaking good at comebacks!

"Whatever." He said once again a cold voice once again.

"Wait... Why the hell are you cuddling me?" He said in amusement.
What the fuck.
He is the one who has his arms on my waist, even after that he tells me that I AM THE ONE WHO IS CUDDLING HIM.

"CAN'T YOU SEE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS." I yelled and pushed his hands from me making him jerkily fall on the ground.

I laughed at this state of him.
Like I laughed a lot that my stomach hurts.

Just then I noticed his face having a very dangerous expression.

I have digged my own grave.
Rest in Peace, Adriti Sharma.
I am gone.
Please wear pink colour in my funeral.

"You are gonna pay for this." He said in a very dangerous tone and got up from the floor.

Save me god.
He is definitely going to kill me.
After all he is the Mafia Leader, killing people who does this to him would have be dead till now.

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