• 27 She's different

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Chapter • 27

Abir's POV

Before getting seated inside the dining room, I already informed everyone to not come until I and Adriti finishes.
I obviously don't want those guys to stare at her! Who was wearing my shirt that hardly reached her knees, I don't want them to see her while she looked so effortlessly beautiful.

Yesterday, they were staring her as if she was the honey and they were the bees.



What the hell am I thinking?

I shook my head and tried to divert my mind.

I took my phone out and started seeing the latest news so that I am aware, if I am in danger.

My trance was broken when I heard a sound.
I looked up from the corner of my eyes and saw Adriti....

She was wearing my shirt!


Why does she look so pretty in my clothes?

Control Abir.

"Come here." I tried to maintain a cold voice which was very hard.

I motioned her to sit beside me, she thought for a while and sat beside me.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" I asked, still my eyes on the phone....



I was looking at her from the corner of my eyes.
*virtual smirk*

"I don't have anything to wear." She said

"Go with one of my men to the shopping mall." I said and she squealed in excitement.

God, this women is just -


I told two of my men to go along with her to the mall.

No one knew who we were but still, I have a few enemies which can take advantage of it.

After she left, I headed towards my room as I didn't have any work today which is very rare.

I got inside and laid on my bed.
The bed smelled like her..... Amazing.

I don't know what is happening, but I just love being around her.

I don't want anyone to look at her except me.
It's lust..... Maybe?
I don't know.

I closed my eyes and all that I could see was her.
Her beautiful face.

I know, I haven't don right to her.
I know, I bought here with a very lame excuse.

But, I don't know why.

I don't know what magic she has done to me.
I feel better in her presence.
Her eyes, in which anyone can drown, - but if anyone does, I am gonna kill him at that point.

The way she looks when she wears my clothes.

She is not like others....
She is not just throwing herself to me to forgive her.
She has self respect.

If any other women had been in her place, she would have thrown her dignity, her body to me.

She is different.

She is unique.

She is not like them.

She is -

My thoughts were broken by the ringing of my phone.

It was Yash, the man who went along with Adriti.

What has happened now?!

"Hello" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Sir- s-ir" He said while stuttering. He looked fearful and scared.
Wait.... Has Adriti Beaten him?

I laughed at this thought but stopped immediately..

"What happened?" I said.

"Sir - si-r" ugghh I am getting irritated now.

"Are you gonna tell me or do you want to be dead."

"Sir, Adriti has been shot."


Hey Guys!
I hope you all are doing well!
Here I am fulfilling my promise.
The next part will come by today!!

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Stay safe and wear a mask 😷❤

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