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Chapter • 19

Adriti's POV

"You look cute in my clothes." He said and I became numb in shock.

What did he just say?

He is really out of his mind.

I ignored his words and fixed my gaze on the dining table.

Soon after the food was served everyone dig into it.

I have to admit, the food was amazing.
I mean - very very delicious.

After we were done eating, which was basically very awkward for me.

The other men and Abir talked about their "missions" which I didn't get a thing about.

One person I liked the most was Ansh.
He was also there, when they came to my house.

He is polite, and is the only one who seems to have a heart.

I don't get why he is in this line even after being so polite.

He talked to me a bit, asked about who I was and more.
He is four years elder then me.
He has become more like my brother.

Chaloo, finally I have someone with a little bonding here.

I just kept my focus on the food and kinda enjoyed it.

All the men started disappearing after,
Where the hell do I have to do now?

I watched as everyone went outside the room, and here we were.
Me and Abir alone...

I just want to stab him and go back home.
But I can't, if I do so.... My parent's life is in danger which obviously I don't want at all.

I guess I should go too.
But where?

To the room I came from I guess.

I stood up and begun to walk.
I could feel Abir walking behind me.
What the hell is his problem.

I got inside the elevator, and this smirking jerk followed me there too.
I decided to stay silent, cause if open my mouth I would end up cursing him.
For Which he wouldn't mind killing me.

*eye rolls*

I got out of the elevator and begun walking towards the room.

I opened the door and got in, and that's when I noticed THIS ABIR IS IN HERE.

"What?" I asked him being hell irritated.
Doesn't he have other rooms in this entire mansion.

"What, what?" He said in his usual cold voice.

"Why are you here?"

"Cause, it's my room." He said and pushed himself on the bed and laid down.

If it's his room, then why the hell am I here.

"Okay." I said and walked towards the door.

I don't know where to go, I'll sleep on the floor better than sleeping beside him.
Before I could step out, I was pulled suddenly and pinned to the wall by THIS ABIR.

We are so freaking close!!!

I have to say this, he is hot.

WTF Adriti, Can you stop this.

"Where are you going?" He asked huskily making my breathe hitched.

"I-i am goin-g ou-ut, it's you're ro-om." Why can't I stop stuttering.

But what can I do so, he is so close to me.

"You're not going anywhere, you're staying with me."

Wait... What?
I am not staying with him.
At all.
Not possible.

"No thanks" I said with an eye roll and jerked his hands off me and begun walking towards the door once again.

When I was about to open it, I was once again pulled back.

"It's not a request, it's an order. And DON'T YOU DARE ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME." He said in an angry tone making me flinch a bit.

No one has ever ordered me like that, not even my parents.
I turned my head down to hide the tears which have just formed.

Just then,

To be continued.....


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M ✨

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