•30 He has changed!

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Chapter • 30

Adriti's POV

I opened my eyes and if felt like I have been sleeping since forever.
My head hurts.

Suddenly, all the happenings rewinded in my mind...

Me going to shopping,
Me sitting in the car,
Me getting shot.

Wait.... Am I seriously dead now?!!

I observed my surroundings closely, to find any angel going around, but instead found a nurse walking from.


I am connected to multiple wires....
God! I look like spider man.
Wait... I look like an Egyptian mummy too.... I am wrapped with Bandages.

I rubbed my eyes to let the blur vision go.

Just the, the door shut open making me flinch at once.
How do you expect anyone to react after hearing a sudden sound?

Here he was,



As soon as he saw me, he ran-
I mean he ran towards me and hugged me suddenly making me shock.
Bro, very shock.

"Are you okay?" He asked and let his hands and cupped my face checking if I had any more injuries.

"I-i am okay-y." I said stuttering, cause obviously I was very shocked.
The man who's been rude to me every time was now suddenly worried.

"Have you got any more injuries?" He said and once again let his eyes wander my body to check if I had any more injuries.


"Did you see who they were?" He asked all of the sudden making me confused.
About whom was he talking?


"The guy who shot you." He said and sat on the stool just beside my bed.

He intertwined our hands together making me shocked once again.

Is he drunk or what?

"I don't know." I said and tore my gaze away from him not letting him notice the blush that appeared on my face due to our hands.


**To be highlighted**

God, what's happening to me!?!!

He tilted my head towards him with his finger holding on my chin.

He didn't say anything more but hugged me once again.

What's wrong with him?

Why is he acting so nice?

Anyways, I jerked off these thoughts and hugged him back.

There's a strange but a nice feeling I felt.

Something different.

Why do I act like those cliche novels and movies!

He finally broke the hug and was close enough to my face, I noticed his teary eyes.
Is he crying for me?

His face doesn't have that usual grace and that essence of being the mafia leader....

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