• 16 I AM DEAD!! YAYAY!!

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Chapter • 16

This chapter's gonna be funny because I am extremely happyyyy! Sumedh liked and commented a collab celebration video!! I was in that too!!! 🥺😭🧿💘


Thank YOU FOR 5K+ READS!!! MEANS A LOT!!! 🥺💘

Adriti's POV

I blinked my eyes from deep slumber with someone stroking my hairs.

I once again felt my head heavy and paining, just then I remembered all that what happened.

Me being dragged by hairs.

Me screaming to let me go.

Me seeing my parents on those men's feet.

Me being thrown in the car.

Me being s-sold-d.

I jerked my eyes open and saw THE GUYS I DON'T KNOW THE NAME OF bedside me.

He was stroking my hairs!

I panicked seeing an unfamiliar room and me being on someone's very comfortable fluffy bed.

I started wondering my eyes all around this luxurious room.

Then, my gaze went to him.

What is he doing here?

Where I am?

Am I rescued by someone.

But doesn't seems like.

"Y-OUU-" I spoke to make my confusion clear but got cut off by him.

"Ohh! Angel." He said and chuckled.

Who's angel?

If he thinks my Instagram id is @_angeladriti then he so freaking wrong.
I literally hate those who right like that.

"Ang-el." Wait... Am I dead? And I this guy is dead too.

And now we're in heaven, cause this room looks so luxurious.

Maybe it is.

But, I wanted to be a doctor before dying.

I wanted to see my parents.

Wait.... I can find my grandpa here too!
A lot of my old aunts and family members may be in here too.

I smiled excitedly with this thought until someone shook my shoulders.

What the hell! I can't even live on heaven now.

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