• 15 My Angel

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Chapter • 15

Abir's POV

I was sitting on the living room's couch waiting for my angel to come.


I took my phone out of my pocket which I never really use a lot.
Being the Mafia's king, I should not use my phone a lot.
My opponents can track my location.
Which I don't want obviously.

Suddenly one of my men came to me.

"Sir, she's here." He said and left.
A smirk grew on my lips.
She's here.

I stood up and started walking towards the waiting room.
If you're wondering what a waiting room is, then that's the place I usually meet people.
I think you got what I mean by TALK.
*virtual smirk*

As soon as I entered all the men there stood up and lowered their heads in respect.
By men I mean the people who bought her here.

And then I saw her,
My Angel.
She was wearing shorts, that she ran and wore when I saw her almost naked.
I chuckled lightly at this memory.
Her angelic face w-was,

Was covered with blood and bruises.

I took fast steps towards her and noticed she was unconsciously lying on the chair.
Blood was dripping from her head and it seemed like someone has either gripped her hairs or she has fallen on her face somewhere.
Just then I saw red marks all over her hands, it had handprints on it.
It looks like someone has held her tightly.
Her bare legs had fresh bruises too.

I don't know why but anger rushed into my veins and looked up from her to the men.
They had this evil smirks on their faces which they lowered when they saw me looking at them.

I glared at them knowing that's them who did this.

I moved towards them.

"What are those marks?" I asked in a silent angry tone.

They didn't reply.
My patience is breaking now.

I held one of them by his collar harshly and made him look at me.
*HARSHLY* I mean -
Very Harshly.

"FUCKING TELL ME WHAT ARE THOSE FUCKING BRUISES ON HER!!!" I screamed with anger while he just kept his head down.

Just then the other one spoke.

"S-sii-ir sh-e w-a-as no-t co-coming so-" I cut him off by punching his face hard making him fall down.
I kicked his guts and shouted.

"WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU TO FUCKING TOUCH HER!!" I screamed with anger louder making him as well as both the other men flinch hard.

"S-sir we-e are-e sorry." One of them said.
But my anger was in no mood to get down.

"YOU ARE GONNA FUCKING PAY FOR THIS." I kicked three of them down resulting the two fall down.

I punched one of them's face making his nose broken, I didn't stop yet.
I kicked his stomach hard making blood flow out of his mouth with every single kick.

I kept punching and kicking him until he was unconscious or you can say near to death.

I wiped the sweat off my face and looked at the other two who were shivering badly.
What do they think?
I'll let them go.


They have hurt my angel,
They'll pay for it.

I did the same for to both of them what I did to the first one.
After they were unconscious I ordered my guard to kick them away.
Once he took them.

I looked back at my angel.
I don't know why did I bet my team members for hurting her.
I just can't see her like that.

I don't know what rushed into me, but I just couldn't control my anger.
They hurted her,
I can't just let it go.... I don't know myself.

I walked closer to her and stared at her face.
Simply beautiful.

I picked her up in a bridal style and took her to my room.
I myself don't know why.

There are obviously a lot more rooms in here, but I don't trust these harmonious men.

I got inside my room and placed her on my bed.
Just then....

To be continued....


Hope you enjoyed this chapter,
If so vote and comment. ✨

I ditched my guitar practise for this 😂
Written in a hurry!

Stay safe and wear a mask 😷❤

Best comment on the previous part ~


M ✨

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